Today I received a phone call that one of my most treasured customers had recently passed away. T.A. "Tex" Cox was a native Texan living in Connecticut who knew a good pecan when he tasted one. His favorite pecans were the Choctaw but he actually loved all our pecans. He wanted me to send him the pecans still in the shell so he could crack and shell them himself.
Mr. Cox had been in failing health for some time now, but he put up a good fight. He wanted to stay around to have as much time with his beloved wife Joycie. They have been married for almost 70 years.
I never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Cox face to face, but I felt like we were good friends. His phone calls and emails were always a pleasure and he had great stories and wonderful points of view. In reading what others have said about Mr. Cox, it seems that everyone who ever met him was very blessed.
My sincere condolences go out to all of Mr. Cox's family and friends. I am so blessed to have known him.
T.A. "Tex" Cox
Sept. 29, 1921 - March 17, 2011