Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trip Down Memory Lane...

Going through all the files has brought back a lot of memories...some of them sweet...some of them bitter sweet. Have you ever noticed the things that you save...that you hold on to? Have you ever come across something later and wondered...why in the heck did I save this?

I have wondered what my mom was thinking many times during this process of cleaning out her old office. I know my mom is sort of a "pack rat" but some of the stuff she has saved has just cracked me up. She kept product brochures from 2003. Pretty sure most of that stuff is "out of stock" by now. She kept whole notepads in which only one page was written on and the rest was empty. Now these "steno" notepads had to have been from the 80s I swear!

But she also kept newspaper articles about the Pecan Shed. She even has a copy of the original letter she sent out to prospective buyers when the Pecan Shed moved to our current location. She kept pictures of us planting trees at our "Parker Place" location. She kept old Pecan Shed labels...back when we had an 817 area code. She kept one of my grandma's checkbooks too.

While I might not always understand my mom's need to not throw away things...anything! I can appreciate her sense of family...her need to stay connected to the past...her love for this store and all the blood, sweet, tears, and joy that went into making it the success it is today.

While I can't "file" away Mom's love for our family and this store...I can carry on that tradition. And that is exactly what I plan to do...only with a less cluttered office! :)

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