Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolution...

Let me start by saying this post has nothing to do with the Pecan Shed...the pecan industry...or any kind of nut for that matter...well unless after you read this you think I have gone NUTS!!!

I believe in guilt...yep...I said guilt!

I believe if I tell enough people about my PERSONAL New Year's Resolution the sheer fact that other people will know if I fail to achieve it will cause me to have so much guilt...I will in fact keep this year's New Year's Resolution.

Every year I make resolutions of all kinds...

Eat better...
Exercise more...
Try something new...
Push myself beyond my comfort zone...
Think outside of my box...

Well this year...I have one resolution. It sort of captures all the other resolutions and wraps them up into one neat little package.

Before December 31, 2012 I will run a half marathon.

Okay...I know for those of you that are in shape and healthy and like to exercise and like to run...13.1 miles (the distance of a half marathon) seems like nothing. But to me it seems like a giant mountain...I can climb it...I just don't really want to.

I do not like to run...I don't really like to exercise all that much either...I am not in good shape whatsoever...and my health is better than most but not as good as it could be.

Even in my hay day of senior year...(no date named...I have to keep some secrets)...I still did not like to run and tried to avoid it at all costs. So the thought of running 13.1 miles at one time without stopping seems pretty crazy to me...

So crazy I plan to do it!

I like challenges...I like it when people tell me I can't do something...and I like finish lines...not necessarily the running kind but I always enjoyed looking forward to the end of a class...graduation...etc. I like to be able to work at something...have a goal and either achieve it or not.

I also believe guilt is a great motivator. I feel guilt easy over things and I don't like to feel guilty so I will try to avoid it at all costs...thus I try to do anything and everything I can to not feel guilty.

So...with that being said...I will keep you posted on my training...and I will let you know when I run that half marathon!

If you see me out...ask me how close I am to that finish line! I need the constant reminder!!!

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