Dad, Jake, and the guys out in Charlie have just begun to run shakers and harvesters. Soon our cleaning plant will be humming with activity getting all the pecans ready for our retail store. We should have new crop pecans available at the Pecan Shed sometime around the end of this month.
As you may have heard...we had a drought this year. rain...100 days of 100+ degree heat...all that did not do much good for our pecan trees.
BUT...yes friends there is a but!!! Thank the heavens for a "but"!
We do have pecans this year!!! Just not many of them! So what does this mean for you???
Well...the good news is you can still have pecan pie, pecan fudge, pecan ice cream, and all those other pecan goodies. The bad news is pecans are going to be more expensive this year...quite a bit more I am afraid.
The U.S., as a whole, is expected to be 30 to 50 million...yes I said MILLION...pounds short of demand. And if I remember correctly from Dr. Patterson's Econ101 class...when demand exceeds supply that causes the price to go up.
I have not heard what the exact pricing for pecans will be yet...but that information should be coming out soon. We will be offering our in the shell and cracked pecans in 5 pound bags again this year (100 pounds is the minimum for wholesale). We will have shelled pecans available in either the 1 pound bag or the 4 pound bag as always, but we have added two new sizes this year. We now have a 12 ounce bag and a 3 pound bag of shelled pecans available. We do still wholesale shelled pecans in 30 pound bulk cases.
If you need pecans and cannot wait until new crop comes off, we do still have some of last years pecans available that have been frozen (thus they have about one year of quality left in them). We have shelled pecans available from the 2010 crop in the Wichita and Choctaw varieties as well as pieces.
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