December 31st is a date celebrated around the world by almost everyone. It is New Year's Eve which means one big party! This is a time when people celebrate another year over and a new one beginning.
For my family it has also always meant another kind of mom's birthday! Mom always joked that everyone celebrated her birthday since she is a New Year's Eve baby. Today my mom celebrates another year of her life officially in the books and a new one beginning. She has double reason to celebrate on this day!
My mom, Molly Montz, has been a great many things in her lifetime. Not only is she the "original" Pecan Shed manager but she helped my dad get our family business off and running. Mom was hardly ever on harvesting equipment but she was the face of our retail store. Even when I took over after Mom "semi-retired" I still had people who wanted to see my mom and do business with her.
Luckily Mom taught me everything she knows about running a pecan store. I learned how to work hard, how to treat people fairly, how to handle adversity (like droughts, late freezes, and unhappy customers), and how to make a business grow. Many nights growing up I saw my mom come home after a full day of work to cook us dinner (yes...some nights she did cook) and start working again...paying bills, labeling bags, or doing whatever else it took that there wasn't enough time to do between 9am-5pm. Mom was a great boss...not just to me but to many others. I know this because so many people still tell me that the Pecan Shed was one of their best jobs...and a lot of that has to do with Mom.
While I did learn so much about our business from my mom...the best thing she taught me was how to BE a mom myself.
My parents worked very hard but they didn't miss the important stuff that Jake and I did. In fact, I don't think Mom missed ANYTHING that Jake or I did.
Mom was a room mother for our grade school classes, she made all the school programs, she was at every ball game, pep rally, track meet, One Act play, UIL event, band performance (yes...Jake and I were in the band for a short period of time)...Mom made ALL of it!
My mom was one of those parents that got to games early. She braided my hair and half the team's hair. She not only brought us bubble gum balls but she knew which color each girl preferred. She was at every track meet and packed enough food to feed an army (which ensured I didn't have to eat concession stand food). My mom was in the bleachers when it was freezing cold, steaming hot, blowing 100 mph, and even on those rare pretty days. She was at basketball games when we had tournaments and our games were at 10am. She might be one of the few people in the gym but she yelled like she was 20+ (granted half the time she was yelling at the refs and sometimes not even the right thing...but hey...she was supporting the Lady Pirates always!).
My mom was simply there.
She was there for me...and for anyone else who needed her. She made enough Rice Krispie treats to feed all the girls who went with me to a week long basketball camp one summer. She probably cooked 100 sock-it-to-me cakes while I was in school. Tammy Williams practically lived with us for a few months (and if I was on a date Mom and Tammy would go out to eat and to a movie). She feed about 20 people a night the summer we got our pool (I thought I would never eat another cheeseburger ever again). She was my mom by blood...but she was a mom to many because she has such a big, loving heart.
If my mom can do anything really is mother (you thought I was going to smother didn't you??). I always said if I ever went on a talk show to complain about my parents my only real complaint was I was loved TOO much.
Even off at college my freshman year Mom sent me at least one and sometimes two cards each week. She talked to me every day. And on the days I cried because I was homesick...I have no doubt she had to control herself not to hop in her car and come get me.
Of course Mom has let me do things on my own a time or two. She may have objected to what I wore or how I did my hair (I cannot for the life of me figure out why I still try to perm my hair about once every decade)...she may not have always liked who I dated...she may not have agreed with my choice of friends (but Tammy finally won her over :)...) and she may have wanted to step in to heal a broken heart or hurt feelings a time or two but like all good mothers...she knew I had to learn some things on my own.
My mom is my biggest fan. She loves me more than I could ever be loved by anyone. She is one amazing Memaw to her grandgirls. She is not perfect but she is my mom...and I think God knew what He was doing when He put us together.
Now I know Jake has stories of his do many others who know my mom...but this is how I see her.
I take great pride when people tell me I look like my mom (after all she was Miss Weatherford back in the day) but I take even more pride when I find myself doing for Dotty the things that my mom used to do for me.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Blue Ribbon Kind of Day...
Jake recently submitted some of our Mohawk and Kanza pecans to our local Wichita County Pecan Show and both varieties won blue ribbons! We have had the Mohawk pecan for several years now, but the Kanza pecan is new to our orchards.
In fact, I have not even had any Kanzas in my retail store yet. These trees are still so new they have not yet begun to "commercially produce" in order for us to use them at the Pecan Shed. However, I do feel in a few years we will have the Kanza pecan on our shelves and available to customers and I think they will be a huge hit!
So proud of Jake and Dad and all the guys who work out in our orchards! They put in a lot of hard, long hours to make sure we have some of (what I think are) the best pecans in Texas!!!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wow What a Year!!!
This past year has been full of truly wonderful things for the Pecan Shed!
Not only have we survived two rough summers in severe drought conditions, but we have acually grown our orchards and our business! Dad and Jake planted a couple thousand more trees this past summer in our orchards out in Charlie, TX and we started working on a second Pecan Shed location to be open Fall 2013 in Henrietta, TX on Hwy 287 (right beside the Best Western Hotel). Now if that is not growth I don't know what is!!!
In addition to continued growth, we have also been awarded with some really nice top honors this year! In May, the Pecan Shed won the "2012 Family Business of Year" award which was presented by the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce. Just this past month I was also named "Top 20 Under 40" which is an honor given by the Times Record News. Trust me when I say both awards were a total surprise (especially my personal one)!
On top of all this great news, I found earlier this week the Pecan Shed has also been nominated for the Henrietta & Clay County Chamber of Commerce "2012 Outstanding Business of the Year"! A big "Woo Hoo!" followed up by one of Dotty's happy dances does not even begin to express my emotions!!! This is just all so great!!! What an honor to be nominated with other such great businesses!
We at the Pecan Shed are truly blessed! I have a wonderful family I get to work with and my staff members are more than just employees...they are extended family too! Without such a great staff the Pecan Shed would not be able to do all the unique things we get to do for our customers. And speaking of customers...thanks to everyone who does business with the Pecan Shed. Without all of you I would not have such a wonderful business to manage!
I know it will be hard to top 2012 but I have big plans for 2013!!!!
Not only have we survived two rough summers in severe drought conditions, but we have acually grown our orchards and our business! Dad and Jake planted a couple thousand more trees this past summer in our orchards out in Charlie, TX and we started working on a second Pecan Shed location to be open Fall 2013 in Henrietta, TX on Hwy 287 (right beside the Best Western Hotel). Now if that is not growth I don't know what is!!!
In addition to continued growth, we have also been awarded with some really nice top honors this year! In May, the Pecan Shed won the "2012 Family Business of Year" award which was presented by the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce. Just this past month I was also named "Top 20 Under 40" which is an honor given by the Times Record News. Trust me when I say both awards were a total surprise (especially my personal one)!
On top of all this great news, I found earlier this week the Pecan Shed has also been nominated for the Henrietta & Clay County Chamber of Commerce "2012 Outstanding Business of the Year"! A big "Woo Hoo!" followed up by one of Dotty's happy dances does not even begin to express my emotions!!! This is just all so great!!! What an honor to be nominated with other such great businesses!
We at the Pecan Shed are truly blessed! I have a wonderful family I get to work with and my staff members are more than just employees...they are extended family too! Without such a great staff the Pecan Shed would not be able to do all the unique things we get to do for our customers. And speaking of customers...thanks to everyone who does business with the Pecan Shed. Without all of you I would not have such a wonderful business to manage!
I know it will be hard to top 2012 but I have big plans for 2013!!!!
Friday, November 30, 2012
My Best Friend's Wedding
I want to give an advance “Congratulations” to my best friend and part-time Pecan Shed employee Jeri Martin. She will be marrying Jamie Kaspar tomorrow afternoon and I could not be happier for them both!
Jeri and I have been friends since our college days when we worked on a big senior project together. To make a long story short…we stayed up very late for many nights finishing the project in order to get a good grade. Jeri and I were there for each other during a very critical and difficult time in our lives.
That would not be the last time we helped each other get through some rough patches in life. Jeri has been my rock, my sounding board, and my voice of reason. She has been the shoulder I cried on, the one that I laughed with, and the one who was always willing to meet me at On the Border when I needed a drink and a friend.
Jeri has been my early morning workout partner for many years and this past year we completed a half marathon together! We have also served together on the Board of our community service group, the Senior Junior Forum, and we were co-chairs for the Wine and Food Affair of our annual Wine Festival Weekend back in April 2011.
More than anything Jeri is just always there when I need her. When I am short staffed at work or when we have booths at different events, Jeri is always willing to help me out. In fact two years ago Jeri helped out the store a lot by being the weekend fudge-maker for the Pecan Shed. That year Jeri and I worked 49 days straight without a day off! Now if that is not a true friend I don’t know what is!!! Even though Jeri has a very important and demanding real job at the local hospital, she was still willing to give up most of her free time to help me. I could not have made it through that pecan season without her!
I learned many lessons that year. I learned to work “smarter” so I didn’t have to work “harder” and I am proud to say the next year I had things planned out much better so no one had to work a Sunday (although Jeri still made fudge for the store on Saturdays). Woo Hoo! I also learned that I can get through anything with good friends by my side. And I have always known Jeri is one of the best out there. No matter what she has on her plate or what she is going through, I always feel like she will drop everything if I need her. I am so lucky to have her as a best friend.
Even this year Jeri has been a blessing to me. She has been a bit busy with wedding plans so she has not been working at the Pecan Shed this year. But every Friday night she has me over for dinner because she knows two things…#1 I am too tired to cook during pecan season…#2 I don’t cook even when I am not tired. So not only do I get a great meal every Friday night…she makes sure I go home with leftovers too! She is still taking care of me!!!
Jamie is one lucky man…but Jeri is a lucky girl too. They are two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together. I am so glad they found each and I can’t wait to be the Maid of Honor tomorrow when their two lives become one. I am so blessed to know them both.
May God bless their marriage and I wish them health and happiness for many, many years to come!
Jeri and I have been friends since our college days when we worked on a big senior project together. To make a long story short…we stayed up very late for many nights finishing the project in order to get a good grade. Jeri and I were there for each other during a very critical and difficult time in our lives.
That would not be the last time we helped each other get through some rough patches in life. Jeri has been my rock, my sounding board, and my voice of reason. She has been the shoulder I cried on, the one that I laughed with, and the one who was always willing to meet me at On the Border when I needed a drink and a friend.
Jeri has been my early morning workout partner for many years and this past year we completed a half marathon together! We have also served together on the Board of our community service group, the Senior Junior Forum, and we were co-chairs for the Wine and Food Affair of our annual Wine Festival Weekend back in April 2011.
More than anything Jeri is just always there when I need her. When I am short staffed at work or when we have booths at different events, Jeri is always willing to help me out. In fact two years ago Jeri helped out the store a lot by being the weekend fudge-maker for the Pecan Shed. That year Jeri and I worked 49 days straight without a day off! Now if that is not a true friend I don’t know what is!!! Even though Jeri has a very important and demanding real job at the local hospital, she was still willing to give up most of her free time to help me. I could not have made it through that pecan season without her!
I learned many lessons that year. I learned to work “smarter” so I didn’t have to work “harder” and I am proud to say the next year I had things planned out much better so no one had to work a Sunday (although Jeri still made fudge for the store on Saturdays). Woo Hoo! I also learned that I can get through anything with good friends by my side. And I have always known Jeri is one of the best out there. No matter what she has on her plate or what she is going through, I always feel like she will drop everything if I need her. I am so lucky to have her as a best friend.
Even this year Jeri has been a blessing to me. She has been a bit busy with wedding plans so she has not been working at the Pecan Shed this year. But every Friday night she has me over for dinner because she knows two things…#1 I am too tired to cook during pecan season…#2 I don’t cook even when I am not tired. So not only do I get a great meal every Friday night…she makes sure I go home with leftovers too! She is still taking care of me!!!
Jamie is one lucky man…but Jeri is a lucky girl too. They are two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together. I am so glad they found each and I can’t wait to be the Maid of Honor tomorrow when their two lives become one. I am so blessed to know them both.
May God bless their marriage and I wish them health and happiness for many, many years to come!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Christmas Time is Coming!!!
Make sure to hurry in and get all your Christmas shopping done right in one location. The Pecan Shed has a wide variety of unique gifts perfect for everyone on your gift list this year. They have local pecans grown in their very own orchards located in Charlie, TX. The Montz family now has over 27,000 pecan trees. Along with great management techniques and irrigation practices, they are able to provide tasty pecans year after year.
The Pecan Shed has pecans available in the shell in five-pound bags for $19.75 per bag and cracked pecans are sold in five-pound bags for $21.75 per bag. If you want shelled pecans, the Pecan Shed has them in a one-pound bag for $8.95, a three-pound bag for $25.95, and a four-pound bag for $33.95.
The Pecan Shed also has candied pecans in small or large bags and both make great teacher gifts or are perfect as stocking stuffers! These pecans come in many flavors including Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Creamy White, Praline, Honey Toasted, and Roasted Cinnamon Glazed. They even have Sugar Free Chocolate Pecans and Sugar Free Cinnamon Pecans for those who are on a special diet.
If you need a sweet treat for holiday parties, the Pecan Shed’s homemade fudge cannot be beat. The fudge is made right inside the Pecan Shed in their fudge kitchen. The Fudge Flavor of the Month for December is Fruitcake, and they have other great flavors like Chocolate Pecan, Butter Pecan, Turtle, Tiger, Mint Chocolate, Maple Nut, Dark Chocolate Pecan, and even Sucrose Free Fudge! Special for December, the Pecan Shed is offering Divinity Fudge and Candy Cane (Peppermint) Fudge. These specialty fudge flavors are only available while supplies last so hurry in before it is all sold out!
Along with local pecans, homemade fudge, and candied pecans, the Pecan Shed has a great selection of Texas gifts including shirts, caps, mugs, magnets, cookbooks, frames, and more. They have local honey and local jerky, gourmet food items like preserves, salsas, apple butter, and so much more. They even have pecan oil, pecan flavored coffee, pecan brittle, and pecan pralines. There are so many great gift idea it is NUTS…pun intended!
The Pecan Shed is open Monday through Saturday 9am until 5pm. They are closed on Sundays. The store is located at 1401 Midwestern Pkwy (just one block east of Old Jacksboro Hwy). You can call them at 940-322-0756 or visit their website at Don’t forget to follow them on Facebook!
The Pecan Shed has pecans available in the shell in five-pound bags for $19.75 per bag and cracked pecans are sold in five-pound bags for $21.75 per bag. If you want shelled pecans, the Pecan Shed has them in a one-pound bag for $8.95, a three-pound bag for $25.95, and a four-pound bag for $33.95.
The Pecan Shed also has candied pecans in small or large bags and both make great teacher gifts or are perfect as stocking stuffers! These pecans come in many flavors including Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Creamy White, Praline, Honey Toasted, and Roasted Cinnamon Glazed. They even have Sugar Free Chocolate Pecans and Sugar Free Cinnamon Pecans for those who are on a special diet.
If you need a sweet treat for holiday parties, the Pecan Shed’s homemade fudge cannot be beat. The fudge is made right inside the Pecan Shed in their fudge kitchen. The Fudge Flavor of the Month for December is Fruitcake, and they have other great flavors like Chocolate Pecan, Butter Pecan, Turtle, Tiger, Mint Chocolate, Maple Nut, Dark Chocolate Pecan, and even Sucrose Free Fudge! Special for December, the Pecan Shed is offering Divinity Fudge and Candy Cane (Peppermint) Fudge. These specialty fudge flavors are only available while supplies last so hurry in before it is all sold out!
Along with local pecans, homemade fudge, and candied pecans, the Pecan Shed has a great selection of Texas gifts including shirts, caps, mugs, magnets, cookbooks, frames, and more. They have local honey and local jerky, gourmet food items like preserves, salsas, apple butter, and so much more. They even have pecan oil, pecan flavored coffee, pecan brittle, and pecan pralines. There are so many great gift idea it is NUTS…pun intended!
The Pecan Shed is open Monday through Saturday 9am until 5pm. They are closed on Sundays. The store is located at 1401 Midwestern Pkwy (just one block east of Old Jacksboro Hwy). You can call them at 940-322-0756 or visit their website at Don’t forget to follow them on Facebook!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
So Much to be Thankful for...
This time of year I am always reminded of how blessed I am. I have many wonderful people in life both personally and professionally.
I am blessed that over 30 years ago my parents decided to open up the Pecan Shed. Through lots of hard work and sheer dedication, they turned a small family business that was literally a "shed" open only a few months a year into what is now a year round business who has customers located all over the world.
I am lucky to get to work with my family...well at least I feel like that on most days! ;) I get to see and talk to my mom and dad on a regular basis and no matter the conversation (good or bad) the call is always ended with an "I love you." Now working with my brother has its ups and downs. Jake and I have grown up a lot in the last few years but we still have moments of sibling unrest. Although if I have to argue with someone it might as well be him...I am after all a professional at it since I have been doing it since I was old enough to talk!
I get to work with a great staff. Many of my staff members have been with me for years. Kathy is one of those great ones! She truly is a second mom to me and my right hand lady at the Pecan Shed. I know I can leave and things are in good hands.
Of course I have tons of great employees that have been around for a while including Tara, the Beckys, Hellen, Desiree, and Tiffany. And my new girls are great too! Holly, Stefanie, Stephanie, Sarah, Angela, and Sierra have all done a great job learning about the pecan business and working hard.
My firemen are great guys. Raymond does our custom cracking and the others do all our buying. I couldn't do it without Max, Brad, Minton, Mat, Ryan, and all the others that fill in as needed! (Especially Mat...he brings us donuts on Saturday mornings!)
Chad and Terry (aka Coach) who work out in Charlie with Dad and Jake are certainly a valuable part of all of this because without all those guys working in our orchards I would not be able to sell such great pecans to my customers. (Plus anyone who can work alongside my dad and my brother is a total saint in my book.)
And speaking of customers...I am so blessed to such a loyal customer base. Some of our customers have been with us since the beginning and many of them have been around for well over a decade. I cannot be thankful enough for the people who continue to purchase pecans from us year after year. Without them none of this would be as successful as it is.
I even have the next generation of Pecan Shed "management" to be thankful for. Presley and Dotty are both growing up so fast. They may just be cousins but they are one heck of a combination when you get them together. Some day they will have the opportunity to take over the Pecan Shed and do with it whatever they see fit. I can only imagine what those two will come up with!
All in all I am one lucky girl. I have a great business that I am a part of...I have great coworkers...and I have a great family...and all those things are intertwined together to make up the Pecan Shed as a whole.
I have been so blessed to grow up in a family business. I have learned every aspect of what it takes to make a business continue to grow and succeed. I have worked with awesome people that have gone on to do great things. I have made lifelong friends. I am blessed beyond measure!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
I am blessed that over 30 years ago my parents decided to open up the Pecan Shed. Through lots of hard work and sheer dedication, they turned a small family business that was literally a "shed" open only a few months a year into what is now a year round business who has customers located all over the world.
I am lucky to get to work with my family...well at least I feel like that on most days! ;) I get to see and talk to my mom and dad on a regular basis and no matter the conversation (good or bad) the call is always ended with an "I love you." Now working with my brother has its ups and downs. Jake and I have grown up a lot in the last few years but we still have moments of sibling unrest. Although if I have to argue with someone it might as well be him...I am after all a professional at it since I have been doing it since I was old enough to talk!
I get to work with a great staff. Many of my staff members have been with me for years. Kathy is one of those great ones! She truly is a second mom to me and my right hand lady at the Pecan Shed. I know I can leave and things are in good hands.
Of course I have tons of great employees that have been around for a while including Tara, the Beckys, Hellen, Desiree, and Tiffany. And my new girls are great too! Holly, Stefanie, Stephanie, Sarah, Angela, and Sierra have all done a great job learning about the pecan business and working hard.
My firemen are great guys. Raymond does our custom cracking and the others do all our buying. I couldn't do it without Max, Brad, Minton, Mat, Ryan, and all the others that fill in as needed! (Especially Mat...he brings us donuts on Saturday mornings!)
Chad and Terry (aka Coach) who work out in Charlie with Dad and Jake are certainly a valuable part of all of this because without all those guys working in our orchards I would not be able to sell such great pecans to my customers. (Plus anyone who can work alongside my dad and my brother is a total saint in my book.)
And speaking of customers...I am so blessed to such a loyal customer base. Some of our customers have been with us since the beginning and many of them have been around for well over a decade. I cannot be thankful enough for the people who continue to purchase pecans from us year after year. Without them none of this would be as successful as it is.
I even have the next generation of Pecan Shed "management" to be thankful for. Presley and Dotty are both growing up so fast. They may just be cousins but they are one heck of a combination when you get them together. Some day they will have the opportunity to take over the Pecan Shed and do with it whatever they see fit. I can only imagine what those two will come up with!
All in all I am one lucky girl. I have a great business that I am a part of...I have great coworkers...and I have a great family...and all those things are intertwined together to make up the Pecan Shed as a whole.
I have been so blessed to grow up in a family business. I have learned every aspect of what it takes to make a business continue to grow and succeed. I have worked with awesome people that have gone on to do great things. I have made lifelong friends. I am blessed beyond measure!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
One Week Away!!!
Thanksgiving is just about a week away! Can you believe it?!?!
I am always thankful that I get put in charge of rolls and desserts for any meal I am invited to. I buy the rolls at the local grocery store and I always bring fudge from the Pecan Shed (super handy). Everyone knows I can't cook very well so to save everyone from giving me "nice try" pat on the back...I just go with the fool proof favorites!
Working at the Pecan Shed makes celebrating Thanksgiving a bit of a challenge each year. The store is closed on Thanksgiving Day but we are busy before and after the holiday (which is a great thing).
I have to remind myself to personally slow down and remember what the season is about...being with family and friends and giving thanks for all the blessings in my life. It only takes a quick glance at my sweet 5 year old girl to remember I have so much to be thankful for these days.
I know most of us live very hectic lives. We are running around trying to get work done, shopping done, be at school programs, and a long list of other things...but when you have a minute (whether it is while you are waiting in line at the grocery store or simply stopped at a red light) take some time to give thanks for what you have in life.
I even try to be thankful for the challenges...because when I ask God for more patience He doesn't give me patience...He gives me opportunities to be patient. We I ask God for strength He gives me chances to be strong. When I ask God for love and forgiveness…He shows me those who need my love and forgiveness.
I hope this time of year finds you all in good company, good spirits, and good health!
I am always thankful that I get put in charge of rolls and desserts for any meal I am invited to. I buy the rolls at the local grocery store and I always bring fudge from the Pecan Shed (super handy). Everyone knows I can't cook very well so to save everyone from giving me "nice try" pat on the back...I just go with the fool proof favorites!
Working at the Pecan Shed makes celebrating Thanksgiving a bit of a challenge each year. The store is closed on Thanksgiving Day but we are busy before and after the holiday (which is a great thing).
I have to remind myself to personally slow down and remember what the season is about...being with family and friends and giving thanks for all the blessings in my life. It only takes a quick glance at my sweet 5 year old girl to remember I have so much to be thankful for these days.
I know most of us live very hectic lives. We are running around trying to get work done, shopping done, be at school programs, and a long list of other things...but when you have a minute (whether it is while you are waiting in line at the grocery store or simply stopped at a red light) take some time to give thanks for what you have in life.
I even try to be thankful for the challenges...because when I ask God for more patience He doesn't give me patience...He gives me opportunities to be patient. We I ask God for strength He gives me chances to be strong. When I ask God for love and forgiveness…He shows me those who need my love and forgiveness.
I hope this time of year finds you all in good company, good spirits, and good health!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lessons in Retail...Those Not Found in Any Text Book
For those of you who have ever worked in retail you know it can be tough. Many times I have gotten an ear full from an unhappy customer over things I have no control the weather, shipping costs, the day of the week Christmas happens to fall on, etc.
I have had a few customers in my time that have really made my blood boil. While I always believe it is important to treat people with respect and curtesy, I also believe that once you have made me mad it is hard to get back on my good side. I may forgive but I rarely forget (I am a typical woman after all).
Yesterday I had a customer come in to the store that I try to avoid like the plague. Last year he really made me mad by some comments he made about my family, our store, our products, etc. I didn't ban him from the store (I thought about it but I have never banned anyone from our store), but I sure did not rush to be the one to assist him.
Well yesterday I happened to be the only one around when he came in. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and welcomed him back to the Pecan Shed.
He didn't remember me from Adam.
(I know many of you who know me will make the comment that I change my hair like some people change their nail polish...and I realize that I can be hard to recognize...but my regular customers know me no matter if my hair is blond, brown, black, or red...yep I have been all of those.)
He just talked to me about his recent trips, his upcoming cruises, etc. He was as friendly as ever.
I was still cautious though.
I smiled. I nodded. But all the while I was waiting for the "grouchy customer" who had ripped into me a year ago to show himself.
Then he did something I didn't anticipate. He shared with me how he likes to go up on the upper deck when he is on a cruise and he likes to let all his worries go. He thinks back to his Navy days. He remembers the good times...and he even remembers the not so good times too. He told me he wished he had valued people more than things. He wished he had been better to his children. He wished he had more people in his life now to share the days with.
He teared up and so did I.
At that moment I was reminded of what I already knew. In retail (and even in life) when people take out their anger and frustration on a store employee...most of the time it has nothing to do with whatever it is the customer is complaining about. Most of the time the customer is really in pain about something much bigger, much deeper, much more painful.
A year ago that man was hurting and he took out his hurt on me. He forgot about it soon after he left. He probably does not even remember that day. He had bigger issues on his mind.
I on the other hand remembered every detail of what happened a year ago. I let it eat away at me. I let it build a wall between me and another human being. If another one of my staff memebers had been available yesterday, I would not have taken the time to visit with that man. I would have continued to hold my grudge.
But yesterday I let it go. Yesterday I realized that, while it was wrong of him to be so mean to me a year ago, it was also wrong of me to carry around my hard feelings towards him. I needed to forgive. I needed to be a better person.
Now I don't know what will happen the next time he comes in to the store. I can't control him. But I can control me. So regardless of how he, or anyone else, acts to me I need to remember that I don't know someone else's story. I don't know what they are going through. But I do know that I can make a difference. I can be nice. I can be understanding. I can be forgiving.
This time of year when all the holiday activities are upon us it can be easy to think of it being "the most wonderful time of the year"...but for some it may not be. So I hope to remember that if I come across an unhappy individual while I am working or out shopping myself...that I don't know their story. I don't know what they go through day in and day out. I don't know how the holidays make them feel. I just need to let go of whatever may hurt my feelings and send up a little prayer for God to bless them and to help them with whatever may be hurting them.
I have learned a lot in working at the Pecan Shed. I have learned about pecans, fudge, buying inventory, marketing a store, creating reports for CPAs...I have learned so much about business in the "real world". However, my greatest lessons have come from learning how to treat people. I may not always do it right, but it seems like God keeps presenting me the problem until I DO get it right.
Funny how God works. He shows His teachings in the most unlikely of places.
I have had a few customers in my time that have really made my blood boil. While I always believe it is important to treat people with respect and curtesy, I also believe that once you have made me mad it is hard to get back on my good side. I may forgive but I rarely forget (I am a typical woman after all).
Yesterday I had a customer come in to the store that I try to avoid like the plague. Last year he really made me mad by some comments he made about my family, our store, our products, etc. I didn't ban him from the store (I thought about it but I have never banned anyone from our store), but I sure did not rush to be the one to assist him.
Well yesterday I happened to be the only one around when he came in. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and welcomed him back to the Pecan Shed.
He didn't remember me from Adam.
(I know many of you who know me will make the comment that I change my hair like some people change their nail polish...and I realize that I can be hard to recognize...but my regular customers know me no matter if my hair is blond, brown, black, or red...yep I have been all of those.)
He just talked to me about his recent trips, his upcoming cruises, etc. He was as friendly as ever.
I was still cautious though.
I smiled. I nodded. But all the while I was waiting for the "grouchy customer" who had ripped into me a year ago to show himself.
Then he did something I didn't anticipate. He shared with me how he likes to go up on the upper deck when he is on a cruise and he likes to let all his worries go. He thinks back to his Navy days. He remembers the good times...and he even remembers the not so good times too. He told me he wished he had valued people more than things. He wished he had been better to his children. He wished he had more people in his life now to share the days with.
He teared up and so did I.
At that moment I was reminded of what I already knew. In retail (and even in life) when people take out their anger and frustration on a store employee...most of the time it has nothing to do with whatever it is the customer is complaining about. Most of the time the customer is really in pain about something much bigger, much deeper, much more painful.
A year ago that man was hurting and he took out his hurt on me. He forgot about it soon after he left. He probably does not even remember that day. He had bigger issues on his mind.
I on the other hand remembered every detail of what happened a year ago. I let it eat away at me. I let it build a wall between me and another human being. If another one of my staff memebers had been available yesterday, I would not have taken the time to visit with that man. I would have continued to hold my grudge.
But yesterday I let it go. Yesterday I realized that, while it was wrong of him to be so mean to me a year ago, it was also wrong of me to carry around my hard feelings towards him. I needed to forgive. I needed to be a better person.
Now I don't know what will happen the next time he comes in to the store. I can't control him. But I can control me. So regardless of how he, or anyone else, acts to me I need to remember that I don't know someone else's story. I don't know what they are going through. But I do know that I can make a difference. I can be nice. I can be understanding. I can be forgiving.
This time of year when all the holiday activities are upon us it can be easy to think of it being "the most wonderful time of the year"...but for some it may not be. So I hope to remember that if I come across an unhappy individual while I am working or out shopping myself...that I don't know their story. I don't know what they go through day in and day out. I don't know how the holidays make them feel. I just need to let go of whatever may hurt my feelings and send up a little prayer for God to bless them and to help them with whatever may be hurting them.
I have learned a lot in working at the Pecan Shed. I have learned about pecans, fudge, buying inventory, marketing a store, creating reports for CPAs...I have learned so much about business in the "real world". However, my greatest lessons have come from learning how to treat people. I may not always do it right, but it seems like God keeps presenting me the problem until I DO get it right.
Funny how God works. He shows His teachings in the most unlikely of places.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Choctaw and Wichita Pecans Now Available
Even though the temperatures refuse to fall much below 80 degrees these days...we have lots of pecans falling out of the trees (thanks to a custom shaker that does most of the work for Mother Nature). We now have New Crop Choctaw and Wichita pecans available to go along with our Pawnee pecans.
The Wichita pecans are available in the shell and cracked. The Choctaw pecans are available in the shell, cracked, and shelled. Both pecans are really nice this year. They are yeilding over 54% meat (and with the last two dry summers that is sure good news).
The Choctaw is by far the biggest of the pecans we have right now. It is really easy to shell out. The Wichita pecan is still large but it has a tendency to fill out so tightly in the shell that it can be difficult to shell out.
Stop in to the store to sample each kind of pecan and to find your favorite! Mohawk and Cheyenne pecans should be available soon.
The Wichita pecans are available in the shell and cracked. The Choctaw pecans are available in the shell, cracked, and shelled. Both pecans are really nice this year. They are yeilding over 54% meat (and with the last two dry summers that is sure good news).
The Choctaw is by far the biggest of the pecans we have right now. It is really easy to shell out. The Wichita pecan is still large but it has a tendency to fill out so tightly in the shell that it can be difficult to shell out.
Stop in to the store to sample each kind of pecan and to find your favorite! Mohawk and Cheyenne pecans should be available soon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Click on the link above to check out the new Pecan Shed commercial. I think Presley and Dotty did a fabulous job!!! Of course…I may be biased…Presley is my niece and Dotty is my kiddo!
It is crazy to think not that long ago Presley was just a baby in the commercials. Those days we had more fun watching her play with (and occasionally chew on) the Texas toys. (We did make Memaw buy the toys that got excessively drooled on.)
Then it was just a few years ago that we spent well over an hour trying to film a 30 second commercial because Dotty and Presley were fighting so much! Those times made me rethink having little ones in our commercials, but somehow we made it through. Thanks to fantastic editing, no one was able to see the tantrums and tears that went on “behind the scenes” that day!
This year was a pretty smooth shoot I must say. Once the girls got their microphones on it was like they became true professionals and they “hit their marks” without much trouble (although Dotty did try to talk over Presley a time or two…nothing new there though). I am not sure if it was having the battery pack clipped to their dresses or if it was my subtle…yet stern…threat…I mean pep talk…that I gave them just before they “went on”…either way…they did great!
Stop in to the Pecan Shed for New Crop Pecans, yummy fudge, Texas gifts…and so much more! If you are lucky you just might run into Presley or Dotty and I have no doubts they would LOVE to sign an autograph for you!!! (In fact, if they ask you if you want one…please say yes…child actors have such fragile egos! LOL!)
Click on the link above to check out the new Pecan Shed commercial. I think Presley and Dotty did a fabulous job!!! Of course…I may be biased…Presley is my niece and Dotty is my kiddo!
It is crazy to think not that long ago Presley was just a baby in the commercials. Those days we had more fun watching her play with (and occasionally chew on) the Texas toys. (We did make Memaw buy the toys that got excessively drooled on.)
Then it was just a few years ago that we spent well over an hour trying to film a 30 second commercial because Dotty and Presley were fighting so much! Those times made me rethink having little ones in our commercials, but somehow we made it through. Thanks to fantastic editing, no one was able to see the tantrums and tears that went on “behind the scenes” that day!
This year was a pretty smooth shoot I must say. Once the girls got their microphones on it was like they became true professionals and they “hit their marks” without much trouble (although Dotty did try to talk over Presley a time or two…nothing new there though). I am not sure if it was having the battery pack clipped to their dresses or if it was my subtle…yet stern…threat…I mean pep talk…that I gave them just before they “went on”…either way…they did great!
Stop in to the Pecan Shed for New Crop Pecans, yummy fudge, Texas gifts…and so much more! If you are lucky you just might run into Presley or Dotty and I have no doubts they would LOVE to sign an autograph for you!!! (In fact, if they ask you if you want one…please say yes…child actors have such fragile egos! LOL!)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wichita Pecans Coming Soon
Jake harvested a lot of Wichita pecans this past weekend. Right now they are going through our cleaning process out in Charlie. I should have some Wichita pecans availabe in the shell and cracked (hopefully) by the end of this week.
As you may well know...the Wichita pecan is a very oily pecan. It typically has a darker color meat as well. Some people claim it has the most flavor of all the pecans we sell. It does fill out very tight in the shell and thus makes it a tad difficult to shell out.
Weather permitting...Jake will try to harvest some Cheyenne pecans by the end of the week and we should have them in the store in 10 days to 2 weeks.
As you may well know...the Wichita pecan is a very oily pecan. It typically has a darker color meat as well. Some people claim it has the most flavor of all the pecans we sell. It does fill out very tight in the shell and thus makes it a tad difficult to shell out.
Weather permitting...Jake will try to harvest some Cheyenne pecans by the end of the week and we should have them in the store in 10 days to 2 weeks.
Monday, October 15, 2012
New Crop Shelled Pecans are Here!!!
New Crop Shelled pecans are now available at the Pecan Shed. Right now we just have the Pawnee pecans available but the Cheyenne pecan and the Wichita pecan should be coming off in a few weeks. Then the Choctaw pecans will be closer to Thanksgiving.
Our new crop shelled pecans are priced as follows...
1 pound of pecans - $8.95
3 pounds of pecans - $25.95
4 pounds of pecans - $33.95
30 pound case of pecans - $225.00
We do still have some of the 2011 pecan pieces available at a reduced price. These pecans are available while they last.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
2012 New Crop Pecans Are Here
The 2012 harvest is under way! Dad recently brought me in some of the New Crop Pawnee Pecans. Currently they are available in the shell and cracked. (Shelled pecans are still a few days away though.)
We have Pawnee pecans available in the shell in 5 pound bags for $19.75. We also have them cracked in 5 pound bags for $21.75.
If you need 100 pounds or more our wholesale pricing is $3.00 per pound for in the shell and $3.40 per pound for 100 pounds or more of cracked pecans.
Our other pecans such as the Wichita, Cheyenne, and Choctaw pecans will be coming off soon and should be available at the Pecan Shed within a month or so.
Remember we do crack pecans for the public for $0.40 per pound. So if your pecans have already started falling we would be happy to crack them for you. Please make sure all your pecans are dry and that no rocks, sticks, anything other than pecans are in your bags. Our machines can be damaged by such debris.
We have been getting a lot of calls about when we will start buying pecans. The first day we will buy pecans will be Friday, Oct. 26th. However, we will not know the price we will be paying until then. All the pecans we buy are shipped to shelling companies (none are sold through our retail store). Therefore, they must meet the requirements set by the shelling company. Pecans must be new crop, well filled out, and dry. The pecans cannot be cracked or have broken shells and they cannot have the green or black outer hull on them. When you sell pecans we will not accept them if there is a lot of sticks,rocks, leaves, or other debris in the containers with the pecans.
We are open Monday through Saturday 9am until 5pm (unless otherwise posted due to holidays or other events).
We have Pawnee pecans available in the shell in 5 pound bags for $19.75. We also have them cracked in 5 pound bags for $21.75.
If you need 100 pounds or more our wholesale pricing is $3.00 per pound for in the shell and $3.40 per pound for 100 pounds or more of cracked pecans.
Our other pecans such as the Wichita, Cheyenne, and Choctaw pecans will be coming off soon and should be available at the Pecan Shed within a month or so.
Remember we do crack pecans for the public for $0.40 per pound. So if your pecans have already started falling we would be happy to crack them for you. Please make sure all your pecans are dry and that no rocks, sticks, anything other than pecans are in your bags. Our machines can be damaged by such debris.
We have been getting a lot of calls about when we will start buying pecans. The first day we will buy pecans will be Friday, Oct. 26th. However, we will not know the price we will be paying until then. All the pecans we buy are shipped to shelling companies (none are sold through our retail store). Therefore, they must meet the requirements set by the shelling company. Pecans must be new crop, well filled out, and dry. The pecans cannot be cracked or have broken shells and they cannot have the green or black outer hull on them. When you sell pecans we will not accept them if there is a lot of sticks,rocks, leaves, or other debris in the containers with the pecans.
We are open Monday through Saturday 9am until 5pm (unless otherwise posted due to holidays or other events).
Monday, October 8, 2012
Half Marathon...Whole Lotta Good Memories
So...I did it...We did it! Along with my good friends, Jeri and Becky, I did a half marathon (13.1 miles) yesterday up in Lawton, OK.
My 2012 New Year's Resolution was to do a half marathon and I was bound and determined to do just that. At first I thought it would be a lot of fun...a big challenge...and a way to hang out more with my friends as we trained for the event.
The first few months were great! The training was not that difficult since I had run several 5Ks before that. However, about mid-summer I was beginning to wonder what the heck I had gotten myself into.
I endured a lot of pain in my knees and feet and especially in my left hip (which has given me problems since I was pregnant with Dotty...and carrying her on that same hip for the past 5 years has never helped the situation). Many times I just wanted to give up! I wanted to look at my friends and family and say "You know what...I tried...but I cannot do this." I never said those words though. I thought them often...but never said them.
Around early September I started truly dreading the half marathon. I was worried I wouldn't finish...that it would be 110 degrees on the day we ran...or that it would be pouring rain. I thought I might be hurting too bad to even start the race. I spent many a nights including this race in my prayers. I prayed I would be able to do it...that I would be able to finish...that it would not be 110 degrees on race day.
Be careful what you pray for.
I did finish the race and it definitely was not 110 degrees. It was more like 40 degrees and sprinkling.
Note to more specific in prayers.
When I first made this resolution to do a half marathon I thought it was all about the finish line. All about crossing that line and raising my arms in the air in triumph! Don't get me wrong...I was glad to do all that. But it was not all about the finish.
More than anything it was about the journey. The ups and downs. The struggles. The successes and the failures. The friends that took the journey with me. The family and friends that supported me and cheered for me along the way. It was about learning how far I could push myself. It was about learning to be forgiving of weaknesses. I really did learn a great deal about myself on this journey.
The truth is I had a "vision" as to what my "road to the finish line" would look like and the reality of it was that road was nothing like my vision. However, I learned that taking another road is okay if you still get to your destination. Sometimes a different road is a better road. And actually...if I had not been able to make my "destination" by finishing the race that would have been okay too...because sometimes in life the destination we want is not the destination we were meant to reach.
I am a planner. I like knowing what will happen in my life. I like my lists and making set and concrete plans. It is hard for me to deviate from a plan or to be flexible and I am rarely spontaneous. But this journey taught me that sometimes I have to let go of the plans I had in order to take the journey I was meant to take.
Some of you might wonder how long it took to finish a half marathon and my answer that is...I was not first. I was not last. I finished somewhere in the middle. For me this goal was never about was simply about finishing.
I cannot thank Jeri and Becky enough for doing a half marathon with me. I know at one point (or several of them) we all thought about backing out. But none of us wanted to let each other down. Becky plans to run another one (perhaps Tiffany...who started training with us and due to her job could not run with us the weekend...will run with Becky later on). Jeri and I have no plans of doing another half marathon. However, we are in talks of doing the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred (a bike ride here in Wichita Falls) next year. I personally need to get over the pain of the half marathon before I commit to anything!
All in all I have lots of great memories about this journey. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful life. And when I am in my 60s I hope to tell my grandchildren about my half marathon experience (no doubt Dotty will have heard it a million times by then)!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Personal Update - Half Marathon
For those of you that remember my New Year's Resolution...I am planning on running a half marathon this year. So far...well I have not died yet is about the only good thing I can say! Just kidding. It has not been too bad.
I have already trained and ran a 5k...I have sort of done a 10k training program but I will have to officially start my half marathon training on July 9th so I will not complete the 10k program in time.
I did run 6 miles not too long ago. I was so proud that I did not walk and that I actually did not pass out! I did it on a treadmill...but hey!...6 miles is 6 miles more than I ever thought I could run in the first place whether by land, sea, or treadmill!
I did have some hip issues after that 6 mile that my hip protested any and all forms of running for several weeks! In fact my hip was not knees and feet were not too keen on the idea of more running either.
So...wish me luck and I will keep you posted.
The goal is to run the half marathon on October 7th up in Lawton, OK. I have a few friends who have joined me on this life adventure and I couldn't be more thrilled to have them along for the ride...I mean run!
I have already trained and ran a 5k...I have sort of done a 10k training program but I will have to officially start my half marathon training on July 9th so I will not complete the 10k program in time.
I did run 6 miles not too long ago. I was so proud that I did not walk and that I actually did not pass out! I did it on a treadmill...but hey!...6 miles is 6 miles more than I ever thought I could run in the first place whether by land, sea, or treadmill!
I did have some hip issues after that 6 mile that my hip protested any and all forms of running for several weeks! In fact my hip was not knees and feet were not too keen on the idea of more running either.
So...wish me luck and I will keep you posted.
The goal is to run the half marathon on October 7th up in Lawton, OK. I have a few friends who have joined me on this life adventure and I couldn't be more thrilled to have them along for the ride...I mean run!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
2012 Crop - Already a Good Sign

It is already a good sign of things to come! If you look closely at your pecan trees you will see what will be your crop for 2012. According to Jake and Dad the orchards out in Charlie and the area as a whole should have a great crop of pecans this year.
What a blessing after the dismal crop that was harvested in 2011 due to the drought (among other things)! Of course we do still need rain!!! Pecan trees require a lot of water and if they don't get water then they can start "dropping" the crop. When I tree is lacking water it will do whatever it takes to survive and one of the first things to go will be the pecans.
So keep up those prayers!!! I know Dotty is still asking for rains for "Papa's trees and Momma's flowers". She does slack off a little when she has a "water day" at school coming up the next day. She doesn't pray that it will NOT rain...she just doesn't bring up the topic in her prayers.
Four year olds are so sticking cute!! When it does rain after she has prayed for it the night before she gets SO EXCITED!!! That is when she starts praying for pets...dogs, cats, name it! Good thing God does not answer all our prayers!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
New Summer Hours...
Starting Monday, June 4th the Pecan Shed will have New Summer Hours. We will be open Monday through Saturday from 10am until 5pm. We hope to see you soon!
Remember...we still have pecans available in shelled halves and shelled pieces. Pecans are great for summer salads, as topping for ice cream or yogurt, and add a great crunch to all those morning cereals.
We also have lots of great fudge flavors coming out this summer. Our fudge flavor of the Month for June is Pina Colada! YUM! This is one of Kathy's favorite make and to eat! Stop in soon for a taste!
Coming later this summer will be Orange Cream fudge and Cookies 'n Cream fudge!
Remember...we still have pecans available in shelled halves and shelled pieces. Pecans are great for summer salads, as topping for ice cream or yogurt, and add a great crunch to all those morning cereals.
We also have lots of great fudge flavors coming out this summer. Our fudge flavor of the Month for June is Pina Colada! YUM! This is one of Kathy's favorite make and to eat! Stop in soon for a taste!
Coming later this summer will be Orange Cream fudge and Cookies 'n Cream fudge!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Last night the Pecan Shed won the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce "Family Business of the Year" award for 2012. The Pecan Shed was one of four nominees this year. It is only the second year this award has been given and we were truly honored to win.
When our family opened the Pecan Shed in 1981 on Hwy 79 in Byers, TX we had no idea what our future would be like. Thirty years later, the future looks to be full of great things…including great pecans!
The first Pecan Shed was only open November through February and it only carried in the shell and cracked pecans. Over the years business began to grow and the Pecan Shed was getting a reputation for selling quality pecans at a fair price. Soon many people from Wichita Falls began to make the 20 miles or so trip out to Byers just to buy fresh, local pecans. Due to this, we decided to lease a building in Wichita Falls on Call Field road called the Garden Patch (the name change was because it was open year round selling pecans in the fall and winter and local produce in the spring and summer).
The Garden Patch proved to have inadequate parking and the busy road became a hassle for customers. Therefore, in 1994, a new location was selected at 1401 Midwestern Parkway, our current location.
The current Pecan Shed is open year round with shelled pecans, homemade fudge, candied pecans, and a great selection of "Texas" gifts. Additionally, whole and cracked pecans are stocked beginning in mid-October until about mid-February.
Over the past 30 years, the most important thing we have learned is to always sell the best quality pecans our orchards can produce. At the Home Orchard located in Charlie, TX we have 8,000 trees that we began planting in 1987. In total we have 940 acres and over 25,000 pecan trees. Most years the orchards produce more pecans than can be used or sold at the Pecan Shed. Therefore, we are able to wholesale pecans to other stores across the country and even across the world to places like China.
On a good year we harvest close to one million pounds of pecans. However, all of this depends on Mother Nature. Tim and Jake follow intense management practices with irrigation and several sprays in order to produce these high quality pecans. We also have professors from Oklahoma State Univ. and Texas A&M that conduct studies in our orchards to try and find new methods for managing pecan crops, water conservation, etc. Our family has hosted the TPGA Convention in 1997 and the Oklahoma Pecan Growers and the Louisiana Pecan Growers have both had tours in our orchards in the past as well.
Tim is currently serving as the Texas Pecan Growers Assoc. President and served on the Board in the past. He also does numerous talks each year to growers and retailers on his management style and travels outside the United States to promote pecans in other countries. (He manages to do all this while still finding plenty of time to pursue his new dream of becoming a Bass Champion.) Jake is on a committee of the National Pecan Growers Assoc. whose main purpose is to determine the future of the pecan industry. Jill is a member of the Senior Junior Forum, she has been a member of Leadership Wichita Falls, and is active with both the Wichita Falls and Henrietta/Clay County Chamber of Commerce groups. Molly is semi-retired but you will still find her at the Pecan Shed during pecan season and whenever else Jill needs help at the store...but mainly she is a full-time grandma.
We are truly a family business. While Jake and Jill have worked elsewhere they both decided to come back and work for the family. We take pride in knowing about every thing that takes place in our orchards and our store. We are there every day to make sure we are providing our customers with the best we can give them.
The next generation of Pecan Shed management is Jake’s daughter Presley and Jill's daughter Dotty (the cute little girls we feature in all our television commercials). We look forward to continuing to grow and change yet always maintain superior quality and customer service.
For more about our recent award click on either (or both) of these links!
(link #1 - Times Record News article)
(link #2 - KFDX Channel 3 news report)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Fudge Flavor of the Month for May is...
...Caramel Pecan Cheescake!
This flavor has been a fan favorite in the past so we decided to bring it back just in time for Graduations, Mother's Day, or any day!
We also have our fabulous Red Velvet Fudge that is in a word..."YUM"! It is my new personal favorite!!! I have a feeling it will soon be given it's own month to be the featured flavor but until then stop in and enjoy it while it lasts!
Of course we always have our fabulous flavors like Chocolate Pecan, Butter Pecan, Dark Chocolate Pecan, Turtle, Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate, Maple Nut, and our Sucrose Free Fudge Flavors as well.
Make any day better with our famous fudge!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Red River Wine Festival - April 21, 2012
The Pecan Shed will have a booth at the Red River Wine Festival this Saturday! The event is held at the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center from 6-11pm. There will be over 25 wine booths, lots of beer, merchandise booths, and food booths.
The Pecan Shed will be taking our Fudge Dipped Strawberries, Homemade Fudge, and Candied Pecans. We will be running a special for the Wine Festival only...everything will be sold for just $2.00 each!
For more information visit
All the proceeds from this event stay right here in Wichita Falls. The Senior Junior Forum hosts the event and this group benefits organizations like Beacon Lighthouse for the Blind, First Step, Children's Aid Society, Meals on Wheels, Special Olympics, the Fantasy of Lights, and they give out four MSU scholarships each year...just to name some of the groups they benefit.
Grab your friends and head out to the Wine Festival this weekend. It is a lot of fun!!!
The Pecan Shed will be taking our Fudge Dipped Strawberries, Homemade Fudge, and Candied Pecans. We will be running a special for the Wine Festival only...everything will be sold for just $2.00 each!
For more information visit
All the proceeds from this event stay right here in Wichita Falls. The Senior Junior Forum hosts the event and this group benefits organizations like Beacon Lighthouse for the Blind, First Step, Children's Aid Society, Meals on Wheels, Special Olympics, the Fantasy of Lights, and they give out four MSU scholarships each year...just to name some of the groups they benefit.
Grab your friends and head out to the Wine Festival this weekend. It is a lot of fun!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April is National Pecan Month

All month long the Pecan Shed will be giving away free samples of our pecan pieces with every purchase as a way to celebrate National Pecan Month.
You might be asking yourself...
Why is April National Pecan Month????
I am glad you asked!
While no one asked for my personal opinion on the best guess would be that the "Powers That Be" chose April as a way to highlight that pecans are good for much more than just pecan pies in November and December.
Pecans are heart healthy. They also have lots of vitamins and minerals. And there a million ways to use them. Visit the National Pecan Shellers Associationa website at to learn much more about the newest research with pecans and to see some really yummy recipes! They have things on their website like Spinach Pecan Quiche, Banana Pecan Strudel, Lemon Pecan Green Beans, Pecan Crusted Trout, Pecan and Chicken Stuffed Mushrooms, and much, much more!
Of course the Pecan Shed has lots of great recipes too. We have my Great Aunt BeBe's Award Winning Pecan Pie recipe on there and my Aunt Barbara's Famous Fudge recipe too. Barbara's fudge has sold for several thousand...yes I said thousand...dollars at local fundraisers! Visit to find these and more tasty recipes.
The National Pecan Shellers site even has fun facts on there. Did you know pecans could improve your love life? Do you know how many pecans it would take to reach the top of the Empire State Building? How about how many pecans it would take to reach the moon? All this and more can be found at
Who knew pecans were so exciting?!?! Well I did of course!
Stop by the Pecan Shed today to help us celebrate National Pecan Month! Taste our fudge...filled with our pecans...and grab your free sample of pecan pieces while you are here!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Fudge of the Month Club 2012
The Pecan Shed offers a Fudge of the Month Club each year from January until June. You can sign up for a three month subscription or a six month one. Each month you will receive one piece of Chocolate Pecan Fudge, one piece of Plain Chocolate Fudge, and one piece of our Fudge Flavor of the Month.
There is still time to get a 3 month subscription to our Club! You can still receive fudge in April, May, and June. This is a perfect gift for family and friends or even as a special treat for yourself.
The upcoming Fudge Flavors of the Month are:
April - Turtle
May - Caramel Pecan Cheesecake
June - Pina Colada
A three month subscription to our Fudge of the Month Club is only $39.95 and that includes all shipping and handling fees. Call today (940-322-0756) for more information or to place an order!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Valentine's Day is Just 5 Days Away!
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we want to make your shopping easy this year. Not only do we have our fabulous Fudge Dipped Strawberries available, but we also have hearts filled with our homemade fudge! We have them in either plain chocolate fudge or chocolate pecan fudge.
These hearts are a great way to show your Valentine just how sweet you think they are. The small heart shaped fudge container is $9.95 and the large one is $24.95. These are available in limited supply so hurry in before they are all gone!
We also have other great gifts like our candy coated pecans, Circle E. Candles, Jalapeno Grillers, gourmet food items, and so much more. You are sure to find the perfect gift for your perfect Valentine!
We are open Monday through Saturday 9am-5pm. If you want to give your sweetheart Fudge Dipped Strawberries for V-Day...make sure you order as soon as possible!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Fudge Dipped Strawberries are BACK!
Starting today...February 1st...Fudge Dipped Strawberries are back at the Pecan Shed!!! These little bites of heaven are perfect for Valentine's Day. Place your order soon!
One dozen is $24.95
Half dozen is $13.50
Call us at 940-322-0756 to place an order. We are open Monday - Saturday 9am until 5pm.
Make sure you take advantage of our fabulous Fudge Dipped Strawberries. They are only available now until May 12th (Mother's Day weekend).
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hedging Pecan Trees January 2012
It is time to hedge your pecan trees. Jake and the crew out in Charlie have been busy hedging all the trees in the Home Orchard. This orchard is about 220 acres with about 8,000 pecan trees on it.
As you can see in the you tube video link below, we have come along way from hand clippers and ladders. We now have a 48,000 pound tree trimmer. This machine has six blades that are each 42 inches in diameter. The tree trimmer keeps all our trees cut about 35 feet in height. We also trim all the sides of the trees as well.
In order to have good pecan crop production, pecan trees need sunlight to penetrate the entire tree. Overcrowding and shading out cause reductions in crop sizes. For these reasons we prune and hedge our trees each year.
As you can see in the you tube video link below, we have come along way from hand clippers and ladders. We now have a 48,000 pound tree trimmer. This machine has six blades that are each 42 inches in diameter. The tree trimmer keeps all our trees cut about 35 feet in height. We also trim all the sides of the trees as well.
In order to have good pecan crop production, pecan trees need sunlight to penetrate the entire tree. Overcrowding and shading out cause reductions in crop sizes. For these reasons we prune and hedge our trees each year.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Time to Plant
It is time to plant replacement or new pecan trees if you have a mind to do so. This time of year is when Jake and the guys plant all our trees. We buy our trees from Womack Nursery ( This year we are planting about 2500 new trees to start another orchard located on some more land we bought in Charlie, TX.
We are mostly planting Pawnee trees but we will be trying other varieties as well such as the Waco, Kanza, and Oconee. One new such variety is called the Lakota. According to the Womack website, the Lakota is the "newest USDA release. A cross between Mahan and Major. Lakota is very resistant to scab disease with medium susceptibility to yellow and black aphids. Lakota has performed well in tests in northern production areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois. Bears quick and heavily. Kernel is cream to gold in color. Shells easily to full halves. Nut is oblong oval with and acute point and rounded base (59 nuts per lb.) and 62% kernel. Vigorous tree, upright growth habit. Wind resistant tree with strong limb angles."
All our trees are approximately 5 feet tall and we use bare root for planting. Because pecan tree roots can dry out quickly and suffer from damage, we have a small window to get all our planting done. The guys out at the orchard are putting in long days to get all the planting done. These trees should be in production in about 8 years.
We are mostly planting Pawnee trees but we will be trying other varieties as well such as the Waco, Kanza, and Oconee. One new such variety is called the Lakota. According to the Womack website, the Lakota is the "newest USDA release. A cross between Mahan and Major. Lakota is very resistant to scab disease with medium susceptibility to yellow and black aphids. Lakota has performed well in tests in northern production areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois. Bears quick and heavily. Kernel is cream to gold in color. Shells easily to full halves. Nut is oblong oval with and acute point and rounded base (59 nuts per lb.) and 62% kernel. Vigorous tree, upright growth habit. Wind resistant tree with strong limb angles."
All our trees are approximately 5 feet tall and we use bare root for planting. Because pecan tree roots can dry out quickly and suffer from damage, we have a small window to get all our planting done. The guys out at the orchard are putting in long days to get all the planting done. These trees should be in production in about 8 years.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Freezing Fudge
Did you know you can freeze fudge?!?! Our homemade fudge can be frozen up to one year and then thawed and still taste just as delicious!
Here is the process...
Take fresh fudge (either by the piece or by the pan) and wrap it with an airtight material. Aluminum foil (heavy duty is best) or Saran brand plastic wrap. Other plastic wraps are actually not airtight like the Saran brand is due the the fact that the other brands have very poor moisture and vapor barrier properties.
Place the wrapped fudge in a plastic freezer bag and then remove as much as possible. Seal the bag and store it in the freezer until it is needed. The amount of fudge you place in each freezer bag should be the amount you would want to defrost at any one time. It is not recommended to freeze, thaw, and refreeze fudge multiple times.
The secret to successfully freezing fudge is in the thawing process. When you are ready to consume the fudge, remove it from the freezer. KEEP THE FUDGE IN THE PLASTIC BAG AND LET IT SIT AT ROOM TEMPERATURE UNTIL IT IS THAWED. For an entire pan of fudge, this process may take up to 24 hours. After the fudge has thawed, remove the it from the plastic bag and remove the foil or Saran wrap from the fudge.
If the fudge is removed from the plastic bag before it has come back to room temperature, moisture in the air will condense on the cold fudge and will thus make the top of the fudge sticky.
So now you can enjoy your favorite homemade fudge flavor year round! I know some of you love our Fudge Flavors of the Month and are sad to see them go. With the ability to freeze fudge you can enjoy any fudge flavor for many, many months!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Running Out of Pawnee Pecans
If you love the Pawnee pecan, then you need to hurry in and get them while they last! This is our most popular pecan due to its size and flavor. Because of the drought causing us to have a reduced crop size, we are almost sold out of the Pawnee pecans.
We still Pawnee available in the shell and cracked, but if you want shelled Pawnee pecans we only have a few 4 pound and 3 pound bags left. We are totally out of 1 pound bags. When this supply is gone, we will be out of Pawnee until next October.
We still have Cheyenne, Wichita, and Choctaw pecans available. The Cheyenne is a great pecan for baking...the Wichita has the most oil...and the Choctaw is our largest pecan and it is the easiest one to shell out.
We still Pawnee available in the shell and cracked, but if you want shelled Pawnee pecans we only have a few 4 pound and 3 pound bags left. We are totally out of 1 pound bags. When this supply is gone, we will be out of Pawnee until next October.
We still have Cheyenne, Wichita, and Choctaw pecans available. The Cheyenne is a great pecan for baking...the Wichita has the most oil...and the Choctaw is our largest pecan and it is the easiest one to shell out.
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