It is already a good sign of things to come! If you look closely at your pecan trees you will see what will be your crop for 2012. According to Jake and Dad the orchards out in Charlie and the area as a whole should have a great crop of pecans this year.
What a blessing after the dismal crop that was harvested in 2011 due to the drought (among other things)! Of course we do still need rain!!! Pecan trees require a lot of water and if they don't get water then they can start "dropping" the crop. When I tree is lacking water it will do whatever it takes to survive and one of the first things to go will be the pecans.
So keep up those prayers!!! I know Dotty is still asking for rains for "Papa's trees and Momma's flowers". She does slack off a little when she has a "water day" at school coming up the next day. She doesn't pray that it will NOT rain...she just doesn't bring up the topic in her prayers.
Four year olds are so sticking cute!! When it does rain after she has prayed for it the night before she gets SO EXCITED!!! That is when she starts praying for pets...dogs, cats, giraffes...you name it! Good thing God does not answer all our prayers!
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