Saturday, June 25, 2016

Everyone has a story...

There is an old saying that if everyone threw their problems into a pile and we all got to see what everyone was having to deal with we would fight to get our own problems back. Basically what this is saying is that even when we think we have it rough there is usually someone out there who would give anything to trade problems with us.

Several of my team members have shared with me over the past few months some of the hard times they are facing. While we offer them hugs and prayers and help in any way we can as a company I still realize that they have to go home and deal with their problems. Many times I can't imagine what some of them are facing. I am amazed they show up for work at all much less can find a way to laugh and smile.

We all have our problems. We all have our stories. As a company and a team leader my job is to help in any way I can and listen to what my team member really needs. Some need time off. Some need more hours. Some just need to vent. Some need help in knowing where to turn next. They all just need to know that they matter and that we as a team care about them.

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