The 2016 Pecan Harvest is underway. Even with the recent rains slowing things down a bit we are still harvesting almost daily out in our orchards located in Charlie, TX.
While this video was actually shot last year it still gives you a good idea of how we getting things moving and "shaking" this time of the year. Click on the link below to see our pecan shaker in action.
If left up to Mother Nature, we would need a good frost or even a freeze in order for the pecans to start falling. However, with machines like this pecan shaker, we are able to get fresh pecans to you faster!
Make sure you stop by, call, or visit our website to get your order in for pecans! The holidays are just around the corner and it is never too early to start thinking about and shopping for all those festive treats and sweets!
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Elephants Don't Make Good House Guests
I am bad at communicating.
My whole family is bad at communication.
The whole world needs to work on communicating better.
That being said one of the worst parts of bad communication is when no one wants to talk about the "elephant" in the room. We all see it. The elephant sees us. Just no one talks about it.
We have all walked into a room and seen an 8,000 pound "elephant" just hanging out holding a vase with flowers and perhaps even decked out in some animal print sheet thrown over him so it drapes casually to the floor. The entire time you stand there staring with your mouth wide open at the elephant all the ladies in the room are talking about how lovely the flowers are and how animal print never seems to go out of style. Meanwhile the men remark how sturdy the floor must be. However no one even mentions the fact that a giant "elephant" is standing right next to them making the whole room look and smell like a circus just passed through and forgot something!
At first all you can think is...Do you not SEE that??? Do you not SMELL that??? Is it just ME???
But before you can get on the phone to call your eye doctor and your shrink you start to get interested in the conversations all dancing around the "elephant". Next thing you know you too are amazed at how sturdy the floor actually is and that animal print really never does go out of style!
I am a firm believer that not talking about the "elephant" in the room is the cause for many business failures, divorces, and broken relationships of all kinds. None of us want to have those difficult adult conversations to address the "elephants" who hang out with us daily making both our boardrooms and our bedrooms overcrowded and quite frankly pretty stinky.
From personal experience, I know some of the reasons why I am divorced were due to the fact my ex-husband and I could not and/or would not talk about our "elephants". We just let more and more elephants walk into our living room and our lives until there was no room left for each of us. Our marriage became a circus and not the fun kind you want to buy a ticket to watch. We tried to dress our elephants up so no one saw how messy and stinky they were but when the lights went out in our "big top" only the elephants remained. My ex-husband and I fought about several things. We argued over where the elephant was standing...what the elephant was holding...what color grey the elephant was...if it was Asian or African...but we never addressed why we had a freaking elephant hanging out with us in the first place. We fought about the superficial things and not the big one causing all the mess.
Same is true in my family business. When we talk with each other there is always an elephant...or a whole herd of them...sitting in the office with us. Because we have the family dynamic as well as the boss/employee/coworker element we simply won't say or discuss certain things. We don't want to hurt the other person's feelings...yet in the end we end up doing just that most of the time.
Things left unsaid are not unknown, unfelt, or even unheard. Some of my "loudest" arguments were fought in silence. Some of the most hurtful things ever done by me or to me were issues that never got addressed...feelings that never got expressed...and words that were never spoken.
Just like an elephant, the things we try to avoid don't just disappear. They sit there...staring at us...making a mess of our lives...until we finally get up the courage to face the elephant nose to trunk. We must deal with the elephant...get it out of our home, head, heart, workplace, and world! Then and only then can we start dealing with cleaning up the mess it left behind. We must grab our biggest pooper scooper and get to shoveling and sanitizing until things are as they should be again.
It is hard to deal with elephants. By nature they are big and not easily moved. I am still working on dealing with all the elephants in my life. It is a constant struggle to stop avoiding things and just deal with them...but it is a struggle worth fighting through. I have found luring them with yummy treats helps most of that I have found that by approaching my elephants with kindness, warmth, and showing them an out that is mutually beneficial to both of us the elephants are easier to move.
My life is still a circus sometimes. There are days I feel like I have a huge herd of elephants and I am trying to balance on a tightrope with them all and no safety is below to catch us if we make a mistake. It is one scary act let me tell you! But deep down I know that I always have a safety net in my faith and ultimately in my family and close friends. We might have to scoop some poop but at least we don't have to keep walking in it anymore!
My whole family is bad at communication.
The whole world needs to work on communicating better.
That being said one of the worst parts of bad communication is when no one wants to talk about the "elephant" in the room. We all see it. The elephant sees us. Just no one talks about it.
We have all walked into a room and seen an 8,000 pound "elephant" just hanging out holding a vase with flowers and perhaps even decked out in some animal print sheet thrown over him so it drapes casually to the floor. The entire time you stand there staring with your mouth wide open at the elephant all the ladies in the room are talking about how lovely the flowers are and how animal print never seems to go out of style. Meanwhile the men remark how sturdy the floor must be. However no one even mentions the fact that a giant "elephant" is standing right next to them making the whole room look and smell like a circus just passed through and forgot something!
At first all you can think is...Do you not SEE that??? Do you not SMELL that??? Is it just ME???
But before you can get on the phone to call your eye doctor and your shrink you start to get interested in the conversations all dancing around the "elephant". Next thing you know you too are amazed at how sturdy the floor actually is and that animal print really never does go out of style!
I am a firm believer that not talking about the "elephant" in the room is the cause for many business failures, divorces, and broken relationships of all kinds. None of us want to have those difficult adult conversations to address the "elephants" who hang out with us daily making both our boardrooms and our bedrooms overcrowded and quite frankly pretty stinky.
From personal experience, I know some of the reasons why I am divorced were due to the fact my ex-husband and I could not and/or would not talk about our "elephants". We just let more and more elephants walk into our living room and our lives until there was no room left for each of us. Our marriage became a circus and not the fun kind you want to buy a ticket to watch. We tried to dress our elephants up so no one saw how messy and stinky they were but when the lights went out in our "big top" only the elephants remained. My ex-husband and I fought about several things. We argued over where the elephant was standing...what the elephant was holding...what color grey the elephant was...if it was Asian or African...but we never addressed why we had a freaking elephant hanging out with us in the first place. We fought about the superficial things and not the big one causing all the mess.
Same is true in my family business. When we talk with each other there is always an elephant...or a whole herd of them...sitting in the office with us. Because we have the family dynamic as well as the boss/employee/coworker element we simply won't say or discuss certain things. We don't want to hurt the other person's feelings...yet in the end we end up doing just that most of the time.
Things left unsaid are not unknown, unfelt, or even unheard. Some of my "loudest" arguments were fought in silence. Some of the most hurtful things ever done by me or to me were issues that never got addressed...feelings that never got expressed...and words that were never spoken.
Just like an elephant, the things we try to avoid don't just disappear. They sit there...staring at us...making a mess of our lives...until we finally get up the courage to face the elephant nose to trunk. We must deal with the elephant...get it out of our home, head, heart, workplace, and world! Then and only then can we start dealing with cleaning up the mess it left behind. We must grab our biggest pooper scooper and get to shoveling and sanitizing until things are as they should be again.
It is hard to deal with elephants. By nature they are big and not easily moved. I am still working on dealing with all the elephants in my life. It is a constant struggle to stop avoiding things and just deal with them...but it is a struggle worth fighting through. I have found luring them with yummy treats helps most of that I have found that by approaching my elephants with kindness, warmth, and showing them an out that is mutually beneficial to both of us the elephants are easier to move.
My life is still a circus sometimes. There are days I feel like I have a huge herd of elephants and I am trying to balance on a tightrope with them all and no safety is below to catch us if we make a mistake. It is one scary act let me tell you! But deep down I know that I always have a safety net in my faith and ultimately in my family and close friends. We might have to scoop some poop but at least we don't have to keep walking in it anymore!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
What's In a Name???
I have always believed words have power. I have sticky notes all around my house posted to mirrors, doors, light switch plates, furniture, appliances, etc. reminding me, my child, and any visitors of such things like....
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - my bathroom mirror
Only love today. - living room light switch plate cover
Best is good, but better is best. - hall closet door
I do not procrastinate. - washing machine
I am organized. - dinning room table (that doubles as my office table)
I am loved - her bathroom mirror
I am happy. - Her dresser drawer
I am smart. - Another dresser drawer
I am funny. - Another dresser drawer (she has a big dresser)
I control me and no one else. - back door (to remind me I can't even control my two lovable but oh so infuriating dogs)
Today is going to be a great day. - garage door
I am what I eat - just take a guess on that one
Because I believe words have power I recently edited the caller ID in my cell phone for some of those who call me most. I figured I read my phone more often than I read anything else in this world so why not use it to make me calm, inspired, at peace, or even laugh almost every time I hear my ringtone!
Not everyone in my phone has a extra "tag line" but here are a few examples...
My brother used to just say - Jake Cell
Now it says - Don't Take It Personally Jake Cell
This is because my brother has quite possibly the worst phone etiquette of anyone on the planet. He is always a little hateful when he answers and (while I know he is a busy man) he always seems to be hacked off that I called him regardless of the reason. I used to get upset by this but now I know it is just him. He talks to practically everyone like this. I think even if Mother Teresa herself called to tell him he won the lottery she might get a "What do you want?"...followed by a "Well I don't have time for that right now...Call your father! He isn't doing anything!" And by father he does not mean the Pope.
Speaking of fathers.
My dad's ID used to say - Dad Cell
Now it says - Patience...Just Breathe...Dad Cell
You see Dad is a lot like Jake. (Hence why they get along so well...insert sarcastic tone here.) Dad is usually a little short, always busy, always needing to answer another call, and can from time to time ask me to do things that not only frustrate me but in some cases are just not possible but he still expects to get it done...and do it now...because really I have nothing better to do (again insert sarcastic tone here). For instance, one day Dad told me he did not like how the GPS on people's phone would direct them to our barns so Dad told me to call Google (like they have one phone line going in to some brick and mortar building in Ohio) and talk to whoever it was that did Google Maps (I am guessing his name is Bob...again insert...well you get the idea) and straighten out ol' Bob as to how to get people to Charlie, TX without sending them to Burkburnett! Let me get right on that Dad. To date I am still waiting on Bob to call me back. But in reality I know my dad has had patience with me over the years. Like when I was 4 or 6 years old...or 14 or 16...or 34 or well...yesterday when I had no clue what "red beans" were (pinto). So I can have a little patience with him now that he is 64. Just as he did for me when I babbled on as a baby, I will just nod and agree to whatever he says or asks. To be honest I owe him at least that much for those teen years of mine.
I have a certain guy on my phone (who will remain nameless) and his caller ID now just says - Don't Answer
No need to explain this one. I will let you all use your imagination. But I keep his number in there so I don't accidently pick up when he calls about once every three or four months.
One of my very best friend's Caller ID now says - God Knew You Needed This
And boy did He ever know I needed that call or text!!!
My daughter's after school caregiver now says - What a Blessing
Because she and her family have been such a blessing to us in more ways than one and I thank God every time her name pops up.
I have a dear friend whom I adore but I know we are nothing more than friends.
Before his name it says - Wrong Tree
As in don't go barking up the wrong tree because I would never want to lose him as a friend.
My mom's says - Dotty's Favorite Memaw Cell
That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth right there. None of us can compete with Memaw.
Now even when I am stressed or worried or just have so much in my head I feel like it might burst some of these numbers appear and they remind me to take life a little less serious...appreciate the people I have in my life...stay away from those God has already shown me are not good for me...and just enjoy the moment, the conversation, the time...because who knows what tomorrow might bring.
Words have power. They can change your mind, your mood, and your facial makeup for sure. I know this little trick won't solve the violence in the world but if it helps me to be a little kinder to those I talk to on a regular basis or if it reminds me to say a prayer of gratitude to God then perhaps my own world has become a little better for it.
As a side note...both my stores say "Nuts About This Place"...but once in a while I change it to "I Must Be Nuts to Still Work Here"....hee hee hee!!!
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - my bathroom mirror
Only love today. - living room light switch plate cover
Best is good, but better is best. - hall closet door
I do not procrastinate. - washing machine
I am organized. - dinning room table (that doubles as my office table)
I am loved - her bathroom mirror
I am happy. - Her dresser drawer
I am smart. - Another dresser drawer
I am funny. - Another dresser drawer (she has a big dresser)
I control me and no one else. - back door (to remind me I can't even control my two lovable but oh so infuriating dogs)
Today is going to be a great day. - garage door
I am what I eat - just take a guess on that one
Because I believe words have power I recently edited the caller ID in my cell phone for some of those who call me most. I figured I read my phone more often than I read anything else in this world so why not use it to make me calm, inspired, at peace, or even laugh almost every time I hear my ringtone!
Not everyone in my phone has a extra "tag line" but here are a few examples...
My brother used to just say - Jake Cell
Now it says - Don't Take It Personally Jake Cell
This is because my brother has quite possibly the worst phone etiquette of anyone on the planet. He is always a little hateful when he answers and (while I know he is a busy man) he always seems to be hacked off that I called him regardless of the reason. I used to get upset by this but now I know it is just him. He talks to practically everyone like this. I think even if Mother Teresa herself called to tell him he won the lottery she might get a "What do you want?"...followed by a "Well I don't have time for that right now...Call your father! He isn't doing anything!" And by father he does not mean the Pope.
Speaking of fathers.
My dad's ID used to say - Dad Cell
Now it says - Patience...Just Breathe...Dad Cell
You see Dad is a lot like Jake. (Hence why they get along so well...insert sarcastic tone here.) Dad is usually a little short, always busy, always needing to answer another call, and can from time to time ask me to do things that not only frustrate me but in some cases are just not possible but he still expects to get it done...and do it now...because really I have nothing better to do (again insert sarcastic tone here). For instance, one day Dad told me he did not like how the GPS on people's phone would direct them to our barns so Dad told me to call Google (like they have one phone line going in to some brick and mortar building in Ohio) and talk to whoever it was that did Google Maps (I am guessing his name is Bob...again insert...well you get the idea) and straighten out ol' Bob as to how to get people to Charlie, TX without sending them to Burkburnett! Let me get right on that Dad. To date I am still waiting on Bob to call me back. But in reality I know my dad has had patience with me over the years. Like when I was 4 or 6 years old...or 14 or 16...or 34 or well...yesterday when I had no clue what "red beans" were (pinto). So I can have a little patience with him now that he is 64. Just as he did for me when I babbled on as a baby, I will just nod and agree to whatever he says or asks. To be honest I owe him at least that much for those teen years of mine.
I have a certain guy on my phone (who will remain nameless) and his caller ID now just says - Don't Answer
No need to explain this one. I will let you all use your imagination. But I keep his number in there so I don't accidently pick up when he calls about once every three or four months.
One of my very best friend's Caller ID now says - God Knew You Needed This
And boy did He ever know I needed that call or text!!!
My daughter's after school caregiver now says - What a Blessing
Because she and her family have been such a blessing to us in more ways than one and I thank God every time her name pops up.
I have a dear friend whom I adore but I know we are nothing more than friends.
Before his name it says - Wrong Tree
As in don't go barking up the wrong tree because I would never want to lose him as a friend.
My mom's says - Dotty's Favorite Memaw Cell
That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth right there. None of us can compete with Memaw.
Now even when I am stressed or worried or just have so much in my head I feel like it might burst some of these numbers appear and they remind me to take life a little less serious...appreciate the people I have in my life...stay away from those God has already shown me are not good for me...and just enjoy the moment, the conversation, the time...because who knows what tomorrow might bring.
Words have power. They can change your mind, your mood, and your facial makeup for sure. I know this little trick won't solve the violence in the world but if it helps me to be a little kinder to those I talk to on a regular basis or if it reminds me to say a prayer of gratitude to God then perhaps my own world has become a little better for it.
As a side note...both my stores say "Nuts About This Place"...but once in a while I change it to "I Must Be Nuts to Still Work Here"....hee hee hee!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Laundry and Two AM Talks
Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night...toss and turn...but just can't go back to sleep? I do. Between the hours of two and three AM tend to be my usual time where I find myself awake...exhausted...but still chasing sleep.
After a while I usually try watching some television, reading, or checking Facebook, but after about an hour of this I tend to get up and do laundry. I don't know about all of you but at my house there is always laundry that needs to be done. So with this always on my brain I swing out of bed and head to my washer and dryer.
I usually pull the clothes out of the dryer (there are always clothes in my dryer) and start a new load going. As I drop the basket at my feet and sit on the couch I begin folding clothes...and I talk to God.
My first question is always "Ok. I am up. What do You need me to hear at this time of night?"
God gets my sarcasm. He is also patient with my grumpiness at all times but especially in the middle of the night.
Then I just fold in silence.
And I wait.
And I listen.
I let my mind begin to clear away the haze of sleep and I open up both it and my heart to what God has to say to me.
Now I have never actually "heard" God speak to me like in a Morgan Freeman kind of voice but I have "heard" God talk to my soul...if that makes sense. Some of my best talks with God happen in the middle of the night. Some of my hardest talks have happened with God in the middle of the night. Some of my soul shattering, soul cleansing, soul searching talks have happened with God as I folded socks and tshirts in the middle of the night.
I rarely go back to sleep on nights like this and I often look like a zombie the next morning due to not enough sleep. While there may be dark circles under my eyes though my soul has brightened a little. While I may be exhausted and tired all day, my mind is at peace and can rest easier now. While I may yawn with a wide open mouth for most of the day, my heart is now wide open to experience all God has to offer me.
I used to hate rolling over and checking the time on my phone just to see two-something AM lit up in bright numbers. Now I don't hate it so much. I give God the opening. If He wants to chat me up for a while then two-something AM is as good a time as any. However, if He doesn't really have much to say then I don't mind rolling back over and going to sleep too. I just let the Big Guy make the call.
So if you see me today and I look a little tired or a little rough around the edges just know I am lacking sleep...but what I lost in sleep I gained in insight, wisdom and love from one of those two AM talks with God. Give me some room to be grumpy today...after all I am no saint...I still need my sleep!!!
After a while I usually try watching some television, reading, or checking Facebook, but after about an hour of this I tend to get up and do laundry. I don't know about all of you but at my house there is always laundry that needs to be done. So with this always on my brain I swing out of bed and head to my washer and dryer.
I usually pull the clothes out of the dryer (there are always clothes in my dryer) and start a new load going. As I drop the basket at my feet and sit on the couch I begin folding clothes...and I talk to God.
My first question is always "Ok. I am up. What do You need me to hear at this time of night?"
God gets my sarcasm. He is also patient with my grumpiness at all times but especially in the middle of the night.
Then I just fold in silence.
And I wait.
And I listen.
I let my mind begin to clear away the haze of sleep and I open up both it and my heart to what God has to say to me.
Now I have never actually "heard" God speak to me like in a Morgan Freeman kind of voice but I have "heard" God talk to my soul...if that makes sense. Some of my best talks with God happen in the middle of the night. Some of my hardest talks have happened with God in the middle of the night. Some of my soul shattering, soul cleansing, soul searching talks have happened with God as I folded socks and tshirts in the middle of the night.
I rarely go back to sleep on nights like this and I often look like a zombie the next morning due to not enough sleep. While there may be dark circles under my eyes though my soul has brightened a little. While I may be exhausted and tired all day, my mind is at peace and can rest easier now. While I may yawn with a wide open mouth for most of the day, my heart is now wide open to experience all God has to offer me.
I used to hate rolling over and checking the time on my phone just to see two-something AM lit up in bright numbers. Now I don't hate it so much. I give God the opening. If He wants to chat me up for a while then two-something AM is as good a time as any. However, if He doesn't really have much to say then I don't mind rolling back over and going to sleep too. I just let the Big Guy make the call.
So if you see me today and I look a little tired or a little rough around the edges just know I am lacking sleep...but what I lost in sleep I gained in insight, wisdom and love from one of those two AM talks with God. Give me some room to be grumpy today...after all I am no saint...I still need my sleep!!!
Monday, August 29, 2016
Brighten a Room
I have heard it said...
Winners brighten a room by entering it.
Whiners brighten a room by leaving it.
Which way do you brighten a room?
I know I probably do it both ways depending on the day and the situation, but I definitely hope I brighten it more when I enter than when I leave.
Winners brighten a room by entering it.
Whiners brighten a room by leaving it.
Which way do you brighten a room?
I know I probably do it both ways depending on the day and the situation, but I definitely hope I brighten it more when I enter than when I leave.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Social Media
Holy Hashtag! Social media is a blessing and a curse.
In today's world, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and whatever else I am not cool enough to know about are the way in which many people communicate with friends, family, customers, business owners, celebrities, political nominees, and sometimes even the people who are sitting right beside them in the same room. It truly is a necessary evil.
I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love seeing my friends kiddos, their vacations, their successes, and even their "real world" moments done with love and humor, but I get tired of all the negativity, drama, hate, and stupid stuff that often makes me want to delete all my accounts right that instant.
As a business owner you can live and die by social media. (Heck...I am posting this message on my FB pages as I type!) The truth is someone could have one bad experience at my store or get one bad batch of pecans and rip me, my team, my family, and my business to shreds on social media without even letting me know about it or giving me the chance to make it right. They could also sing my praises and give me five stars in the same manner as well. All is fair (and unfair) in love, war, and the internet.
To me social media is like being in high school all over again. I get to hear a lot of things that I find vitally important, awesome, and totally cool (I graduated in the 90s...give me a break). I also get to hear a lot of things I don't care about, don't believe to be completely true, and basically just ignore.
But just like I kept going to class day in and day out for four years of my high school life, I continue to pop in to my social media sites on a daily basis (and sometimes several times a day). The truth is many schools, children's sports teams, volunteer groups, special events, churches, businesses, and others use social media as a way to communicate and if you are not there to listen then you are often missing out.
The trick is to tune out the stuff that doesn't matter to YOU and tune in to the content that does. If you love political debates by all means let me hook you up with my uncle Donny. As a matter of fact if you love pugs he is your man too! But if that isn't your thing and you are more into seeing some breathtaking Texas morning sunrises then my friend Jerry from Henrietta takes some of the best pictures I have ever seen. I have friends who are into fitness, fashion, faces, and fur balls of all kinds. I have friends who love the Cowboys, the Packers, the Rangers, and the Angels. I have friends who read awesome books, live in amazing places, and have kids that are so stinking cute you would swear they aren't real! Some of my friends are so hilariously funny I truly believe they should get their own reality tv show! And some of my friends are fighting battles I could never imagine waging war against...they deal with so much pain and hurt and uncertainty that I think people should line up daily to just hug them. Some of my friends post pictures of food that make me want to show up at their front doorstep with Tupperware in hand and some of my friends make me feel okay about my cooking skills because they too set off the smoke alarms every time they turn on the stove.
Whatever you want to find on social media the fact is it is out there. You just have to get through all the other stuff to find it. But isn't that life in general? To get what we really want we have to get through all the stuff we don't want. Of course sometimes the truly amazing happens while we are looking for one thing in particular. We stumble upon something totally unexpected we never knew existed and it changes our lives forever. I am always thankful for those friends, pages, groups, and events that I found while scrolling through and who made a huge a difference in my life.
Whether you like it, love it, laugh at it, or hate it social media is what it is. Just like most things you have to take the good with the bad. So keep scrolling...keep hashtagging your heart out...keep liking up a storm. Then get off the stinking phone, computer or tablet and go live your real life!!!
In today's world, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and whatever else I am not cool enough to know about are the way in which many people communicate with friends, family, customers, business owners, celebrities, political nominees, and sometimes even the people who are sitting right beside them in the same room. It truly is a necessary evil.
I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love seeing my friends kiddos, their vacations, their successes, and even their "real world" moments done with love and humor, but I get tired of all the negativity, drama, hate, and stupid stuff that often makes me want to delete all my accounts right that instant.
As a business owner you can live and die by social media. (Heck...I am posting this message on my FB pages as I type!) The truth is someone could have one bad experience at my store or get one bad batch of pecans and rip me, my team, my family, and my business to shreds on social media without even letting me know about it or giving me the chance to make it right. They could also sing my praises and give me five stars in the same manner as well. All is fair (and unfair) in love, war, and the internet.
To me social media is like being in high school all over again. I get to hear a lot of things that I find vitally important, awesome, and totally cool (I graduated in the 90s...give me a break). I also get to hear a lot of things I don't care about, don't believe to be completely true, and basically just ignore.
But just like I kept going to class day in and day out for four years of my high school life, I continue to pop in to my social media sites on a daily basis (and sometimes several times a day). The truth is many schools, children's sports teams, volunteer groups, special events, churches, businesses, and others use social media as a way to communicate and if you are not there to listen then you are often missing out.
The trick is to tune out the stuff that doesn't matter to YOU and tune in to the content that does. If you love political debates by all means let me hook you up with my uncle Donny. As a matter of fact if you love pugs he is your man too! But if that isn't your thing and you are more into seeing some breathtaking Texas morning sunrises then my friend Jerry from Henrietta takes some of the best pictures I have ever seen. I have friends who are into fitness, fashion, faces, and fur balls of all kinds. I have friends who love the Cowboys, the Packers, the Rangers, and the Angels. I have friends who read awesome books, live in amazing places, and have kids that are so stinking cute you would swear they aren't real! Some of my friends are so hilariously funny I truly believe they should get their own reality tv show! And some of my friends are fighting battles I could never imagine waging war against...they deal with so much pain and hurt and uncertainty that I think people should line up daily to just hug them. Some of my friends post pictures of food that make me want to show up at their front doorstep with Tupperware in hand and some of my friends make me feel okay about my cooking skills because they too set off the smoke alarms every time they turn on the stove.
Whatever you want to find on social media the fact is it is out there. You just have to get through all the other stuff to find it. But isn't that life in general? To get what we really want we have to get through all the stuff we don't want. Of course sometimes the truly amazing happens while we are looking for one thing in particular. We stumble upon something totally unexpected we never knew existed and it changes our lives forever. I am always thankful for those friends, pages, groups, and events that I found while scrolling through and who made a huge a difference in my life.
Whether you like it, love it, laugh at it, or hate it social media is what it is. Just like most things you have to take the good with the bad. So keep scrolling...keep hashtagging your heart out...keep liking up a storm. Then get off the stinking phone, computer or tablet and go live your real life!!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Bitter or Better...
"Jill...A customer wants to talk to the manager."
"Jill...A customer is really mad and they plan on telling you about it."
I used to want to run and hide when I heard that first line. I do not like confrontations at all but I especially don't like them when it involves my family business. My entire family puts our blood, sweat, and tears into producing and selling wonderful goods to consumers so when I get to listen to someone say how terrible my family, staff, or products are I am less than thrilled.
In the last twelve years since I "officially" became the manager of the Pecan Shed I have been called just about every name in the book. I have been cussed out, accused of being a thief, threatened to be sued, threatened to be harmed, and even almost run over by a customer's car in the parking lot one night.
When people tell me how lucky I am to be the "boss" at the Pecan Shed I often want to tell them the truth...but I just smile and nod. The truth is I am very lucky.
For every mean and nasty customer, vendor, or random person I have had to deal with over the years there are at least one hundred wonderful, amazing, sweet, and loyal customers who make my job a joy to go to every day. The difficult part is remembering where to focus.
So often we let ourselves focus on the little bit of bad that happens to us and we let it overshadow all the good. If I am not careful I can let the small percentage of negativity I deal with at work make my job seem hard when it reality it isn't. The truth is I am told many more times how good my products and team members are than I am ever told anything negative.
I believe many times in life God will give us opportunities to face difficult events, situations, and people in an effort to mold us. We can either allow these challenges to make us bitter or make us better.
Now when I get the pleasure of talking to someone who is unhappy with a product or service we provide I take it as an chance to see if there really is room for improvement or at the very least I use the moment to educate the person who is upset as well as let them know that they have been heard. Sometimes that is all people want in life is to be heard.
When the truly hateful individuals show up, as they still do on rare occasions, I simply encourage them to shop elsewhere and remind my team we should all be glad we don't have to sit by that particular person at holiday meals. Some people in life will never be happy and that is okay. However I will not let them turn me bitter. I will be better for having learned how to show them the door with grace, kindness, and possibly a little bit of humor thrown in for good measure.
"Jill...A customer is really mad and they plan on telling you about it."
I used to want to run and hide when I heard that first line. I do not like confrontations at all but I especially don't like them when it involves my family business. My entire family puts our blood, sweat, and tears into producing and selling wonderful goods to consumers so when I get to listen to someone say how terrible my family, staff, or products are I am less than thrilled.
In the last twelve years since I "officially" became the manager of the Pecan Shed I have been called just about every name in the book. I have been cussed out, accused of being a thief, threatened to be sued, threatened to be harmed, and even almost run over by a customer's car in the parking lot one night.
When people tell me how lucky I am to be the "boss" at the Pecan Shed I often want to tell them the truth...but I just smile and nod. The truth is I am very lucky.
For every mean and nasty customer, vendor, or random person I have had to deal with over the years there are at least one hundred wonderful, amazing, sweet, and loyal customers who make my job a joy to go to every day. The difficult part is remembering where to focus.
So often we let ourselves focus on the little bit of bad that happens to us and we let it overshadow all the good. If I am not careful I can let the small percentage of negativity I deal with at work make my job seem hard when it reality it isn't. The truth is I am told many more times how good my products and team members are than I am ever told anything negative.
I believe many times in life God will give us opportunities to face difficult events, situations, and people in an effort to mold us. We can either allow these challenges to make us bitter or make us better.
Now when I get the pleasure of talking to someone who is unhappy with a product or service we provide I take it as an chance to see if there really is room for improvement or at the very least I use the moment to educate the person who is upset as well as let them know that they have been heard. Sometimes that is all people want in life is to be heard.
When the truly hateful individuals show up, as they still do on rare occasions, I simply encourage them to shop elsewhere and remind my team we should all be glad we don't have to sit by that particular person at holiday meals. Some people in life will never be happy and that is okay. However I will not let them turn me bitter. I will be better for having learned how to show them the door with grace, kindness, and possibly a little bit of humor thrown in for good measure.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Leaders Are Readers...
If you listen to Dave Ramsey much when he talks about leadership in any type of organization you will often hear him say "Leaders are readers." With that in mind here are a few of the most recent books I just LOVE and would highly recommend anyone read whether you are the CEO running a multibillion dollar business on Wall street or the MOM running a family from home.
EntreLeadership - Dave Ramsey - This book made me believe in great businesses again and made me want to become the leader of such a business.
QBQ! The Question Behind the Question - John G. Miller - Wow! You will never look at things the same after you read this book. Personal accountability is severely lacking in today's world but this little quick read helps to shed light on how we all can make the shift to ask the be better question.
The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant - Terry Feblber - Great story about how making money can be your calling and how you can use your skills in the marketplace to be part of your ministry.
Who Moved My Cheese - Spencer Johnson M.D. - I could only find this book on audio cd and I am actually glad I did. I found myself laughing out loud not only at the story but at how I was exactly like the characters at different points in my life. Everyone can get something out of this book whether your cheese got moved at work, with your spouse, with your kids, in your circle of friends, at your church...I promise you at some point your cheese has moved and now you need to go find new cheese.
Basic Black - Catherine Black - If you are a woman I highly recommend you read this. If you have a wife, daughter, or mother who is working in today's work force buy it for her. If you work with women you might want to read it too!
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - I loved this book when I read it. I loved it so much I bought five more copies and handed them out to friends. You should get it too.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life - Jen Sincero - Okay...if you can get past the curse words which I will say is hard for me at times this is a really amazing book! I have read it and listened to it on audio at least ten times. I use almost every principle she talks about and I promise you...THEY WORK!!! Just ignore the F bombs.
Books I have not read yet but are sitting on my nightstand or on loan to friends...
The Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer that Changed the World - Stephen Mansfield
The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, from the Boardroom to the Bedroom and Beyond-and What to Do About It - Dr. Henry Cloud
Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity - Scott Alexander
These are just a few but I hope if you are looking for something to read that is not your typical romance novel or summer thriller you will check out one of these I have mentioned. No doubt many of you have heard of some of these or perhaps all of them. They are good books and well worth the cost to add to your personal libraries.
Happy Reading!!
EntreLeadership - Dave Ramsey - This book made me believe in great businesses again and made me want to become the leader of such a business.
QBQ! The Question Behind the Question - John G. Miller - Wow! You will never look at things the same after you read this book. Personal accountability is severely lacking in today's world but this little quick read helps to shed light on how we all can make the shift to ask the be better question.
The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant - Terry Feblber - Great story about how making money can be your calling and how you can use your skills in the marketplace to be part of your ministry.
Who Moved My Cheese - Spencer Johnson M.D. - I could only find this book on audio cd and I am actually glad I did. I found myself laughing out loud not only at the story but at how I was exactly like the characters at different points in my life. Everyone can get something out of this book whether your cheese got moved at work, with your spouse, with your kids, in your circle of friends, at your church...I promise you at some point your cheese has moved and now you need to go find new cheese.
Basic Black - Catherine Black - If you are a woman I highly recommend you read this. If you have a wife, daughter, or mother who is working in today's work force buy it for her. If you work with women you might want to read it too!
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - I loved this book when I read it. I loved it so much I bought five more copies and handed them out to friends. You should get it too.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life - Jen Sincero - Okay...if you can get past the curse words which I will say is hard for me at times this is a really amazing book! I have read it and listened to it on audio at least ten times. I use almost every principle she talks about and I promise you...THEY WORK!!! Just ignore the F bombs.
Books I have not read yet but are sitting on my nightstand or on loan to friends...
The Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer that Changed the World - Stephen Mansfield
The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, from the Boardroom to the Bedroom and Beyond-and What to Do About It - Dr. Henry Cloud
Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity - Scott Alexander
These are just a few but I hope if you are looking for something to read that is not your typical romance novel or summer thriller you will check out one of these I have mentioned. No doubt many of you have heard of some of these or perhaps all of them. They are good books and well worth the cost to add to your personal libraries.
Happy Reading!!
Monday, August 1, 2016
Recently I had each member of my leadership team take a DISC assessment test. For those of you not familiar with the DISC it is a behavioral test to see what a person's tendencies are mainly in regards to how they process information, communicate with others, and interact with others in general. Each letter in DISC represents a different dominant personality style. Often people will even assign animals to each personality style. While I have heard a few variations of what each letter stands for, the one I got during the EntreLeadership Summit is as follows...
D - Decisive - This is characterized by the lion. D personalities are very focused on "when" something is going to happen. They are drivers, very result-oriented, often overlook details, and can have a tendency to hurt others feelings without intending to. They are very task-oriented and quick to act.
I - Interactive - The otter is portrayed with this group. I personalities are more concerned with the "who" part of any project or activity. They are very people-oriented and often are also quick to act. They are expressive, impulsive, persuasive, and can tend to lose focus on tasks easily. This group needs to be around people to be happy.
S - Stabilizing - A golden retriever is used to represent this group. While S personalities are very people-oriented they are slower to act. Those who fall in the S group are concerned with the "why". They dislike conflict, are often great team players, and are usually very understanding and amiable.
C - Cautious - The beaver is used for this group. Cs are very task-oriented but are also slow to act. They want to know the "how" when it comes to things. Sometimes people in this group can seem rigid and resistant to change. Those in this category usually love details and are very analytical.
Before my leadership team took their tests most of us could guess pretty well what each one's strongest characteristic was or at least what would be in the top two. Some of us were surprised though how we fell into each of the categories in general.
The best thing we all took away from these tests were it gave us each a better understanding of why we all behave the way we do and hopefully it will help us to communicate and work better with each other in the future. It also was eye opening to us to realize the rest of our team will have various spectrums of the DISC as well as our customers.
Communication and work environments cannot be created with cookie cutters. Each team member and customer will hear, process, and express information differently. The trick is not to communicate and work with others only in the way you prefer but to find out what personality you are dealing with and communicate and work with them in a way they can best understand and utilize the information.
My leadership team and I were able to laugh a lot looking back on some of our past communication efforts. I am a high S so when I need to talk with my high Ds they tend to go crazy because they just want a decision and I want to take more time and see how everyone will be affected. My high Is drive my Cs nuts because my Cs just want the details and my Is might not even know what the details are but they know what happened with each employee on Friday night.
Once we knew what our strengths were we were also able see where our weaknesses were and we can all now work on those aspects. Personally I need to pull the trigger a little faster on some decisions but I have a pretty good feeling I will never be a huge lion in our group. I don't worry too much though. I have several on my team who roar loud enough! :)
D - Decisive - This is characterized by the lion. D personalities are very focused on "when" something is going to happen. They are drivers, very result-oriented, often overlook details, and can have a tendency to hurt others feelings without intending to. They are very task-oriented and quick to act.
I - Interactive - The otter is portrayed with this group. I personalities are more concerned with the "who" part of any project or activity. They are very people-oriented and often are also quick to act. They are expressive, impulsive, persuasive, and can tend to lose focus on tasks easily. This group needs to be around people to be happy.
S - Stabilizing - A golden retriever is used to represent this group. While S personalities are very people-oriented they are slower to act. Those who fall in the S group are concerned with the "why". They dislike conflict, are often great team players, and are usually very understanding and amiable.
C - Cautious - The beaver is used for this group. Cs are very task-oriented but are also slow to act. They want to know the "how" when it comes to things. Sometimes people in this group can seem rigid and resistant to change. Those in this category usually love details and are very analytical.
Before my leadership team took their tests most of us could guess pretty well what each one's strongest characteristic was or at least what would be in the top two. Some of us were surprised though how we fell into each of the categories in general.
The best thing we all took away from these tests were it gave us each a better understanding of why we all behave the way we do and hopefully it will help us to communicate and work better with each other in the future. It also was eye opening to us to realize the rest of our team will have various spectrums of the DISC as well as our customers.
Communication and work environments cannot be created with cookie cutters. Each team member and customer will hear, process, and express information differently. The trick is not to communicate and work with others only in the way you prefer but to find out what personality you are dealing with and communicate and work with them in a way they can best understand and utilize the information.
My leadership team and I were able to laugh a lot looking back on some of our past communication efforts. I am a high S so when I need to talk with my high Ds they tend to go crazy because they just want a decision and I want to take more time and see how everyone will be affected. My high Is drive my Cs nuts because my Cs just want the details and my Is might not even know what the details are but they know what happened with each employee on Friday night.
Once we knew what our strengths were we were also able see where our weaknesses were and we can all now work on those aspects. Personally I need to pull the trigger a little faster on some decisions but I have a pretty good feeling I will never be a huge lion in our group. I don't worry too much though. I have several on my team who roar loud enough! :)
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Nothing Changes...
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.
I read that yesterday and it made me think.
One side of my brain went...Well duh!!!
The other side of my brain went...This is life changing news people!!!!
My brain often does that. It is like a bad reality tv show going on up there pretty much 24/7.
The part of my brain that was less than impressed knows this simple statement is so obvious a two year old could figure it out. However the other part of my brain that was utterly amazed by the deepness and complexity of this one thought was sure it took Franciscan Monks years of silence and holy communion with God to come up with such a life altering view.
Isn't that how most things go?
Often our greatest Oprah "ah-ha" moments end up being the most simplistic ideas. They were things and ideas we have intrinsically known all along but when someone else says them to us or puts them on Facebook with clouds and a sunrise as the background we are blown away by this seemingly "new" knowledge.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Wow!!! Still it gets me!
So often in life I want things to change but I personally resist changing. So often I want people to change but I don't change my views of them, how I treat them, how I react to them, or even change my stance and just accept them for who they are. So often I want my past to change but I stay stuck in my same old habits. This then means my future will be no different from my past. I could change my ways and thus change what happens in the future (which will someday be the past) but I refuse to most of the time.
Change is hard. Change is scary. Change can hurt.
Not changing is hard. Not changing is scary. Not changing can hurt.
Nothing changes if nothing changes might not be earth shattering information but it is definitely worth putting on a sticky note and sticking it to my bathroom mirror. And posting it on Dotty's mirror. And putting it on the dash of my car. And using it as a tag line for all my emails from this point forward.
Things do change whether we want them to or not. We age. We get grey hair. We get wrinkles. We slow down. We get more grey hair even though we paid good money to color the ones we got last time. We forget things. We get aches and pains. We get more grey hair...dang it.
I can't permanently change what I see in the mirror because Mother Nature is always going to be there to show me who is in charge, but I can make a big change to what I can't see in the mirror. I can change my mind, my heart, my attitude, my feelings, my soul...I can change my world.
We decide if nothing changes. We decide if we stay where we are or if we move forward or backward. We decide when and how we change.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
This is life changing news people...duh!!!!
I read that yesterday and it made me think.
One side of my brain went...Well duh!!!
The other side of my brain went...This is life changing news people!!!!
My brain often does that. It is like a bad reality tv show going on up there pretty much 24/7.
The part of my brain that was less than impressed knows this simple statement is so obvious a two year old could figure it out. However the other part of my brain that was utterly amazed by the deepness and complexity of this one thought was sure it took Franciscan Monks years of silence and holy communion with God to come up with such a life altering view.
Isn't that how most things go?
Often our greatest Oprah "ah-ha" moments end up being the most simplistic ideas. They were things and ideas we have intrinsically known all along but when someone else says them to us or puts them on Facebook with clouds and a sunrise as the background we are blown away by this seemingly "new" knowledge.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Wow!!! Still it gets me!
So often in life I want things to change but I personally resist changing. So often I want people to change but I don't change my views of them, how I treat them, how I react to them, or even change my stance and just accept them for who they are. So often I want my past to change but I stay stuck in my same old habits. This then means my future will be no different from my past. I could change my ways and thus change what happens in the future (which will someday be the past) but I refuse to most of the time.
Change is hard. Change is scary. Change can hurt.
Not changing is hard. Not changing is scary. Not changing can hurt.
Nothing changes if nothing changes might not be earth shattering information but it is definitely worth putting on a sticky note and sticking it to my bathroom mirror. And posting it on Dotty's mirror. And putting it on the dash of my car. And using it as a tag line for all my emails from this point forward.
Things do change whether we want them to or not. We age. We get grey hair. We get wrinkles. We slow down. We get more grey hair even though we paid good money to color the ones we got last time. We forget things. We get aches and pains. We get more grey hair...dang it.
I can't permanently change what I see in the mirror because Mother Nature is always going to be there to show me who is in charge, but I can make a big change to what I can't see in the mirror. I can change my mind, my heart, my attitude, my feelings, my soul...I can change my world.
We decide if nothing changes. We decide if we stay where we are or if we move forward or backward. We decide when and how we change.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
This is life changing news people...duh!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2016
Why??? Why Not!!!
Sometimes the question is....Why???
Sometimes the answer is....Why not!!!
During a church service I attended this weekend the pastor pointed out that fear is often one of the main reasons we never take a risk. We fear the known but mostly the unknown. We fear failure and we can even fear success.
We are scared to ask someone out, enroll in a college course, start our own business, leave the job we hate, apply for the job we always wanted, write the book, write the first chapter, write the first word, ask the girl to marry us, break up with the boy who we know is bad for us, tell our kids no, tell our kids yes, tell our kids we have no clue, paint a masterpiece, paint a picture, paint by numbers, get the dog, get the next dog, get the cat, get the fish, get the whole zoo!!!
We usually know the why. What we are looking for is the answer to the why. We look for all the possible reasons, outcomes, pitfalls, and possibilities. And sometimes the only good answer is...why not!
Sometimes the answer is....Why not!!!
During a church service I attended this weekend the pastor pointed out that fear is often one of the main reasons we never take a risk. We fear the known but mostly the unknown. We fear failure and we can even fear success.
We are scared to ask someone out, enroll in a college course, start our own business, leave the job we hate, apply for the job we always wanted, write the book, write the first chapter, write the first word, ask the girl to marry us, break up with the boy who we know is bad for us, tell our kids no, tell our kids yes, tell our kids we have no clue, paint a masterpiece, paint a picture, paint by numbers, get the dog, get the next dog, get the cat, get the fish, get the whole zoo!!!
We usually know the why. What we are looking for is the answer to the why. We look for all the possible reasons, outcomes, pitfalls, and possibilities. And sometimes the only good answer is...why not!
Friday, July 22, 2016
You Can Have It All...Just Not All Today...
As I roll out of bed and head to the kitchen I see my "to do" list on the counter. It reads...
5am - workout
5:30 - read Bible and meditate
6am - get ready for work - look fabulous!
6:30 - wake up Dotty
7am - fix a healthy breakfast and have meaningful conversation with Dotty
7:30 - head to school/work
8am - check and respond to all email
8:30 - team meeting about day's events along with daily devotional and team celebrations
9am - store opens, greet customers with baked goods I made fresh the night before
10am - write four to five chapters of my recent book
11am - create new product along with entire marketing campaign
12am - lunch with friends where we share recipes, class party tips, and solve the world peace problem
1pm - record my daily web show where I tell everyone how they can do it all and not go nuts!
2pm - review all the company's financials and discuss in detail with my CPA
3pm - pick up Dotty at school with a healthy snack I packed from home
4pm - all homework is done and both of us have read an additional 20 minutes
5pm - practice (softball, dance, cheerleading, or golf...depending on the day)
6pm - home cooked dinner with lighthearted banter and lots of love
7pm - bath time using soap I made from scratch
7:30 - meditation for both of us
8pm - lights out for Dotty
8:30 - all laundry and housework are done and make fresh baked goods for the following day
9pm - lights out for me
Anyone see a problem with this list????
Well for starters if any of you know a woman who can get ready in 30 minutes and look "fabulous" after a workout then I want to meet her. I also sort of hate her because it takes me a good hour to get my look to the point where people won't ask me if I feel bad all day long.
Another laughable note is who has ever responded to ALL their email??? I have at least 20 in my inbox at all times and based on what I hear from friends that is on the low end of the spectrum. Also, for those of you who know me well you know my skills in the kitchen are down right scary so anything baked by me would need to be consumed with caution.
Pretty much every item on this "list" was meant to make you all laugh out loud. However the truth is I really do wish I could do everything on this list every day.
Could I do a lot of it? Yes. Do I? No. Could I do some of it? Yes. Do I? Sometimes.
I want to have it all...I want to be a great mom, Christian, manager, writer, innovator, baker, homemaker, friend, motivator, and sleeper (man do I want to be a great sleeper!!!)...but some days I am only a few of these...and some days I don't feel like I am any of them.
What I know for sure is I can never be all of them at once. Depending on the moment I am in I have to choose what I want to be great at or not so great at. At some point in time I can be great at all those things...I just can't be great at all of them today. But being great at just one or two of them a day isn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things.
Today my goal is to be a great sleeper. So if you stop by the store and I am napping just know that I am working on my personal goal for today and don't wake me up. :)
5am - workout
5:30 - read Bible and meditate
6am - get ready for work - look fabulous!
6:30 - wake up Dotty
7am - fix a healthy breakfast and have meaningful conversation with Dotty
7:30 - head to school/work
8am - check and respond to all email
8:30 - team meeting about day's events along with daily devotional and team celebrations
9am - store opens, greet customers with baked goods I made fresh the night before
10am - write four to five chapters of my recent book
11am - create new product along with entire marketing campaign
12am - lunch with friends where we share recipes, class party tips, and solve the world peace problem
1pm - record my daily web show where I tell everyone how they can do it all and not go nuts!
2pm - review all the company's financials and discuss in detail with my CPA
3pm - pick up Dotty at school with a healthy snack I packed from home
4pm - all homework is done and both of us have read an additional 20 minutes
5pm - practice (softball, dance, cheerleading, or golf...depending on the day)
6pm - home cooked dinner with lighthearted banter and lots of love
7pm - bath time using soap I made from scratch
7:30 - meditation for both of us
8pm - lights out for Dotty
8:30 - all laundry and housework are done and make fresh baked goods for the following day
9pm - lights out for me
Anyone see a problem with this list????
Well for starters if any of you know a woman who can get ready in 30 minutes and look "fabulous" after a workout then I want to meet her. I also sort of hate her because it takes me a good hour to get my look to the point where people won't ask me if I feel bad all day long.
Another laughable note is who has ever responded to ALL their email??? I have at least 20 in my inbox at all times and based on what I hear from friends that is on the low end of the spectrum. Also, for those of you who know me well you know my skills in the kitchen are down right scary so anything baked by me would need to be consumed with caution.
Pretty much every item on this "list" was meant to make you all laugh out loud. However the truth is I really do wish I could do everything on this list every day.
Could I do a lot of it? Yes. Do I? No. Could I do some of it? Yes. Do I? Sometimes.
I want to have it all...I want to be a great mom, Christian, manager, writer, innovator, baker, homemaker, friend, motivator, and sleeper (man do I want to be a great sleeper!!!)...but some days I am only a few of these...and some days I don't feel like I am any of them.
What I know for sure is I can never be all of them at once. Depending on the moment I am in I have to choose what I want to be great at or not so great at. At some point in time I can be great at all those things...I just can't be great at all of them today. But being great at just one or two of them a day isn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things.
Today my goal is to be a great sleeper. So if you stop by the store and I am napping just know that I am working on my personal goal for today and don't wake me up. :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Aren't You the Pecan Shed Kid???
Last night as we were getting up from our table after dinner at a local restaurant, Dotty and I were talking to one another when a man at the table next to us interrupted by asking "Aren't you the Pecan Shed kid from the commercials?"
I looked down to see if I was in a Pecan Shed logo tshirt. I wasn't. This guy had a good eye...or a good ear since Dotty had been talking nonstop for the entire meal.
Dotty immediately went into diva mode and smiled brightly at the gentleman as she nodded shyly. After a few more kind words from the man, Dotty and I turned to leave. As she spun around with flare, Dotty flipped down her big sunglasses she had perched on her head and walked out of the restaurant mumbling with a grin how she couldn't go anywhere these days without people recognizing her.
I don't have a pecan princess on my hands. I have a drama queen!
I took the opportunity to remind Dotty once again that we are always to be on our best behavior because we never know who is watching and will associate us with the Pecan Shed. As part of the Montz family we represent the business 24/7. I was preached this sermon when I was a kid so often I knew it by heart and I was going to make sure to pass it down to the next generation.
As we drove home though I began to think how we all have to be on our best behavior regardless of who we are or where we work because people are always watching. Children are watching their parents to see if they say please and thank you like they remind the kids to do all the time. Students are watching teachers to see if they walk on the grass when the sign says not to. Employees watch the managers to see if they get to work on time like the handbook clearly states.
But what about when no one is even around? How do we behave when the only ones watching us are ourselves and God? Do we take an extra cookie even though we claim to not be cheating on our diet? Do we drive the speed limit down the old county road when we are late already? Do we look at websites we would be ashamed to tell our spouse about?
The truth is someone is always watching how we behave, what we say, and can even read our hearts and minds. Scary huh?! We are that someone! We know the real us...the person we are when no one else is looking.
Personally, I am thankful every day that only God can know my thoughts and even then on some occasions I have to ask for forgiveness...okay on more than just some occasions. I think sometimes people forget (or maybe just forget to care) that they are being watched by others in society, by friends, family members, children, their dog...and of course God. While they might not represent a family business like I do they still represent a family or at the very least themselves.
I am known for telling my team that when they wear Pecan Shed shirts they represent the store, the Montz name, and 35 years of hard work so they better be being good. I think I will start going one step further and remind them when they are not in a Pecan Shed shirt they represent themselves and that is their most important representation of all.
I looked down to see if I was in a Pecan Shed logo tshirt. I wasn't. This guy had a good eye...or a good ear since Dotty had been talking nonstop for the entire meal.
Dotty immediately went into diva mode and smiled brightly at the gentleman as she nodded shyly. After a few more kind words from the man, Dotty and I turned to leave. As she spun around with flare, Dotty flipped down her big sunglasses she had perched on her head and walked out of the restaurant mumbling with a grin how she couldn't go anywhere these days without people recognizing her.
I don't have a pecan princess on my hands. I have a drama queen!
I took the opportunity to remind Dotty once again that we are always to be on our best behavior because we never know who is watching and will associate us with the Pecan Shed. As part of the Montz family we represent the business 24/7. I was preached this sermon when I was a kid so often I knew it by heart and I was going to make sure to pass it down to the next generation.
As we drove home though I began to think how we all have to be on our best behavior regardless of who we are or where we work because people are always watching. Children are watching their parents to see if they say please and thank you like they remind the kids to do all the time. Students are watching teachers to see if they walk on the grass when the sign says not to. Employees watch the managers to see if they get to work on time like the handbook clearly states.
But what about when no one is even around? How do we behave when the only ones watching us are ourselves and God? Do we take an extra cookie even though we claim to not be cheating on our diet? Do we drive the speed limit down the old county road when we are late already? Do we look at websites we would be ashamed to tell our spouse about?
The truth is someone is always watching how we behave, what we say, and can even read our hearts and minds. Scary huh?! We are that someone! We know the real us...the person we are when no one else is looking.
Personally, I am thankful every day that only God can know my thoughts and even then on some occasions I have to ask for forgiveness...okay on more than just some occasions. I think sometimes people forget (or maybe just forget to care) that they are being watched by others in society, by friends, family members, children, their dog...and of course God. While they might not represent a family business like I do they still represent a family or at the very least themselves.
I am known for telling my team that when they wear Pecan Shed shirts they represent the store, the Montz name, and 35 years of hard work so they better be being good. I think I will start going one step further and remind them when they are not in a Pecan Shed shirt they represent themselves and that is their most important representation of all.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Whistle Blowers of a Different Kind
When I was younger I played a lot of sports. We were taught as athletes that our bodies were able to handle a lot more than our minds thought they could. Our coaches pushed us to the point of muscle failure and body fatigue. My legs would feel like Jello after practices. I would have to lean my arm up against the shower wall and move my head back and forth under my hand to wash my hair because I couldn't hold my arms up over my head some days. We pushed and pushed and pushed ourselves past our breaking points in order to build our bodies back stronger, faster, and better than before.
During practices, just when I thought I couldn't take another step, that was when I would hear the infamous "On the line!" As I wobbled to the baseline while sweat poured off my face, I was sure I would fall over any second. Right before I crumbled to the floor, the whistle would blow.
From somewhere deep inside, down in a place I didn't know existed, I would find the strength not only to move but to sprint down the court and back again. This happened over and over and over. Each time I was amazed my body could function much less run.
Then when the glorious words "Huddle up!" were said I suddenly had tons of energy and could jog over to where my coach stood. I had survived! I had preserved. I had accomplished a task I doubted my ability to do before, during, and even a little bit after it was done.
Some days I miss my coaches' styles of encouragement. They believed in me even when I didn't. They knew I had more to give when I thought I was spent. They saw in me and in many others more than I saw we saw in ourselves.
In the real world we don't have many people who will push us to that breaking point and beyond. We don't usually know how to push ourselves that far either whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, or otherwise. At work and at home we usually only push until it begins to get uncomfortable and then we stop. We don't get back on the line and try again. We call it quits and head to the metaphorically locker room. Many of us don't have an internal or external motivator to push us beyond our perceived limits.
Not too many people still wear a whistle these days. Perhaps we should all wear one if only to push ourselves a little more.
During practices, just when I thought I couldn't take another step, that was when I would hear the infamous "On the line!" As I wobbled to the baseline while sweat poured off my face, I was sure I would fall over any second. Right before I crumbled to the floor, the whistle would blow.
From somewhere deep inside, down in a place I didn't know existed, I would find the strength not only to move but to sprint down the court and back again. This happened over and over and over. Each time I was amazed my body could function much less run.
Then when the glorious words "Huddle up!" were said I suddenly had tons of energy and could jog over to where my coach stood. I had survived! I had preserved. I had accomplished a task I doubted my ability to do before, during, and even a little bit after it was done.
Some days I miss my coaches' styles of encouragement. They believed in me even when I didn't. They knew I had more to give when I thought I was spent. They saw in me and in many others more than I saw we saw in ourselves.
In the real world we don't have many people who will push us to that breaking point and beyond. We don't usually know how to push ourselves that far either whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, or otherwise. At work and at home we usually only push until it begins to get uncomfortable and then we stop. We don't get back on the line and try again. We call it quits and head to the metaphorically locker room. Many of us don't have an internal or external motivator to push us beyond our perceived limits.
Not too many people still wear a whistle these days. Perhaps we should all wear one if only to push ourselves a little more.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Be Careful What You Say...
Recently I was playing Candy Land with my daughter. It had been a long day so I was kind of quiet and Dotty was just rambling on as we drew cards and hopped our game pieces around the multicolored board. Dotty was talking about her day, her pajamas, her friends, her dogs, her future husband, what she wanted for breakfast in the morning, what she wanted to be when she grew up, what she wanted to read at bedtime, what she wanted to wear when she met the princess (any princess...doesn't really matter) and what card she did or did not want to draw next in the game.
Every time she got a great card that would jump her ahead several spaces she would start worrying she might draw a bad card that would send her back to the beginning of the game. Sure enough it wouldn't be long before the gingerbread man or candy cane showed up and Dotty was hopping her little green guy way back down the board with a frown and folded arms.
We played the game six times. I won five rounds. As we were putting the game up Dotty mumbled something about me not being very nice because I didn't let her win a few more times. I reminded my competitive angel that Candy Land is not a game that Mommys can easily "let" their kids win at since it is really just a game of chance rather than skill.
However, I did tell her that I believe that our words have power. I believe our words have the power to hurt or heal people and so it is important to use them wisely. I also believe that what we put out into the world usually comes looking for us.
For example, if a person says they get the flu every year, then stand by with a box of Kleenex because usually they start sneezing soon after. If a girl says she can never find a good guy to date, then don't get too attached to the next guy she introduces you to. Chances are he will not be a keeper. If a guy says he always gets the best parking places, make sure and ride with him the next time you are headed to a big event.
Of course I know I can't Pollyanna my way through life and no matter how positive I am or how many words of affirmation I speak some things in life will go wrong. People I love will get hurt or sick, the economy will go down, customers will get mad, and a host of other things. Yet I don't dwell on these negatives for too long. I choose to remain positive.
I don't wait for the other shoe to drop. I just assume the shoelaces will hold and the other shoe is firmly in place. I don't expect the worst. I plan for everything and hope for the best. When I draw the game piece that shoots me up to hang out with Princess Frostine I just tell the universe to keep sending me those brightly colored square game pieces and I don't worry that Grandma Nut is going to send her peanut my way. I hop along the board until I am singing "winner winner chicken dinner" with King Kandy in the Candy Castle.
Every time she got a great card that would jump her ahead several spaces she would start worrying she might draw a bad card that would send her back to the beginning of the game. Sure enough it wouldn't be long before the gingerbread man or candy cane showed up and Dotty was hopping her little green guy way back down the board with a frown and folded arms.
We played the game six times. I won five rounds. As we were putting the game up Dotty mumbled something about me not being very nice because I didn't let her win a few more times. I reminded my competitive angel that Candy Land is not a game that Mommys can easily "let" their kids win at since it is really just a game of chance rather than skill.
However, I did tell her that I believe that our words have power. I believe our words have the power to hurt or heal people and so it is important to use them wisely. I also believe that what we put out into the world usually comes looking for us.
For example, if a person says they get the flu every year, then stand by with a box of Kleenex because usually they start sneezing soon after. If a girl says she can never find a good guy to date, then don't get too attached to the next guy she introduces you to. Chances are he will not be a keeper. If a guy says he always gets the best parking places, make sure and ride with him the next time you are headed to a big event.
Of course I know I can't Pollyanna my way through life and no matter how positive I am or how many words of affirmation I speak some things in life will go wrong. People I love will get hurt or sick, the economy will go down, customers will get mad, and a host of other things. Yet I don't dwell on these negatives for too long. I choose to remain positive.
I don't wait for the other shoe to drop. I just assume the shoelaces will hold and the other shoe is firmly in place. I don't expect the worst. I plan for everything and hope for the best. When I draw the game piece that shoots me up to hang out with Princess Frostine I just tell the universe to keep sending me those brightly colored square game pieces and I don't worry that Grandma Nut is going to send her peanut my way. I hop along the board until I am singing "winner winner chicken dinner" with King Kandy in the Candy Castle.
Choices and Consequences...
"You can choose your actions, or you can choose your consequences, but you can't choose both."
When I read that line in a book not only did I underline it but I stopped and really thought about it for several moments. While we all know this to be true we often choose to ignore this fact. Most of the time we have a good idea of what the possible consequences of our actions might be and yet we still try to manipulate those consequences in our favor. Sometimes we get away with it and sometimes we don't.
Sometimes the consequences last for a few moments or a few days. Sometimes they last for a lifetime. Sometimes they change our plans for the weekend. Sometimes they change our plans forever.
When I read that line in a book not only did I underline it but I stopped and really thought about it for several moments. While we all know this to be true we often choose to ignore this fact. Most of the time we have a good idea of what the possible consequences of our actions might be and yet we still try to manipulate those consequences in our favor. Sometimes we get away with it and sometimes we don't.
Sometimes the consequences last for a few moments or a few days. Sometimes they last for a lifetime. Sometimes they change our plans for the weekend. Sometimes they change our plans forever.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Little Acorns Become Mighty Oaks...
Since we aren't allowed to plant anything but pecan trees in my family I guess my version of this would be "little pecans become mighty trees" or something along those lines.
I have heard this many times for a variety of purposes but most recently it was referring to dreams. When we let ourselves begin to dream we are planting the seeds for what can become our future but we can't stop there.
Dreams are just wishes until we turn them into visions and goals. With each step we must fine tune our dream, blow away the clouds and bring it into the sunlight so we can see the dream with more clarity.
According to Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership team you start with a dream, turn it into a vision, create a mission statement, then begin to set your goals. What I loved most of all is the Ramsey team gives very thorough guidelines for creating effective goals. They say goals must be specific, measurable, have a time limit, be yours (no one can set a goal for you and you can't set a goal for someone else), and you must write the goal down. Chris Hogan went on to say you have to ask yourself what are you willing to give up in order to reach your goal (that hit home).
All businesses big or small started off as someone's dream. The huge "oaks" of the business world like Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby, Southwest Airlines, and others were once an acorn years ago but thanks to a strong root system were able to grow mighty and strong. The Pecan Shed was just a dream my parents had and in fact they never dreamed it would become what it is today (though not an "oak" of Chick-fil-a magnitude it is definitely bigger than my family ever imagined it would become one day).
Never underestimate the power of your own "little acorn" dreams. Given enough love, time, and room to grow, one day you might look up and see you are standing in the shade of the "mighty oak" you grew!
I have heard this many times for a variety of purposes but most recently it was referring to dreams. When we let ourselves begin to dream we are planting the seeds for what can become our future but we can't stop there.
Dreams are just wishes until we turn them into visions and goals. With each step we must fine tune our dream, blow away the clouds and bring it into the sunlight so we can see the dream with more clarity.
According to Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership team you start with a dream, turn it into a vision, create a mission statement, then begin to set your goals. What I loved most of all is the Ramsey team gives very thorough guidelines for creating effective goals. They say goals must be specific, measurable, have a time limit, be yours (no one can set a goal for you and you can't set a goal for someone else), and you must write the goal down. Chris Hogan went on to say you have to ask yourself what are you willing to give up in order to reach your goal (that hit home).
All businesses big or small started off as someone's dream. The huge "oaks" of the business world like Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby, Southwest Airlines, and others were once an acorn years ago but thanks to a strong root system were able to grow mighty and strong. The Pecan Shed was just a dream my parents had and in fact they never dreamed it would become what it is today (though not an "oak" of Chick-fil-a magnitude it is definitely bigger than my family ever imagined it would become one day).
Never underestimate the power of your own "little acorn" dreams. Given enough love, time, and room to grow, one day you might look up and see you are standing in the shade of the "mighty oak" you grew!
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Written in Stone
Other than the Ten Commandments and what is written about a person on their tombstone, very few things in life are actually written in stone. Most things and situations are in fact able to change in some you might not like how they change but they can in fact do so.
People can even change although this process is sort of like trying to edit a manuscript back in the days of Moses. Whiteout just isn't going to cut it. The process of changing a person is going to be like chipping away at a stone tablet...slow and tedious and often messy.
In order for people to change they have to be the ones who want to change. You wanting them to change isn't enough. Researching how to change them won't work. You signing up for all the classes isn't going to make it happen.
For example, a wife with a husband who has a problem with alcohol can want her husband to change. She can read tons of books, go to counseling, seek advice from friends and family who have dealt with a similar situation. She can even go to AA meetings herself. All of this might help her cope with an alcoholic husband. However, it won't help her husband change until he is the one who decides he has a problem and makes the choice to attend a meeting and say "Hi my name is ___________ and I am an alcoholic." Then he make an effort everyday to change his relationship with alcohol and his wife.
Change is hard. Change is scary. Change is the last thing we want to do sometimes when we have tried everything else. Change can hurt. Change can heal. Change can take us to a place we never knew existed because we never dared to dream that big.
Until the day they put us ten feet under, we have the ability to change for better or worse. Until the day those we leave behind must decide what is truly written in stone about us, we have the choice to offer up goodness, love, hope, gratitude, grace, generosity, and so much more to this world and the people we care about. Until that day, may we all choose to change ourselves, change our families, change our communities, and change our world for the better.
People can even change although this process is sort of like trying to edit a manuscript back in the days of Moses. Whiteout just isn't going to cut it. The process of changing a person is going to be like chipping away at a stone tablet...slow and tedious and often messy.
In order for people to change they have to be the ones who want to change. You wanting them to change isn't enough. Researching how to change them won't work. You signing up for all the classes isn't going to make it happen.
For example, a wife with a husband who has a problem with alcohol can want her husband to change. She can read tons of books, go to counseling, seek advice from friends and family who have dealt with a similar situation. She can even go to AA meetings herself. All of this might help her cope with an alcoholic husband. However, it won't help her husband change until he is the one who decides he has a problem and makes the choice to attend a meeting and say "Hi my name is ___________ and I am an alcoholic." Then he make an effort everyday to change his relationship with alcohol and his wife.
Change is hard. Change is scary. Change is the last thing we want to do sometimes when we have tried everything else. Change can hurt. Change can heal. Change can take us to a place we never knew existed because we never dared to dream that big.
Until the day they put us ten feet under, we have the ability to change for better or worse. Until the day those we leave behind must decide what is truly written in stone about us, we have the choice to offer up goodness, love, hope, gratitude, grace, generosity, and so much more to this world and the people we care about. Until that day, may we all choose to change ourselves, change our families, change our communities, and change our world for the better.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Nothing Worth Getting Comes Easy...
I once commented to one of my mom friends, "It must be so easy to be a mom when you have kids as good as your boys."
She was quick to correct me by saying, "None of this came easy. I had to make a ton of tough parenting choices along the way."
She told me stories about how her oldest son wanted to go to parties in high school his friends were attending and she made the tough choice to tell him no to a few of them. Each time she refused her son was mad at her for weeks. She went on to mention several of those former high school friends have since gotten DWIs and struggled in other ways with drugs and alcohol.
Her other son was quite shy when he was little so she would force him to speak to others when he was spoken to. After each encounter he would cry all the way home and ask her why she was so mean to make him do those things. Just the other day though he was chosen to give a speech at his high school graduation and he did so with ease.
She had many more examples of how she got the "easy" job of being a mom to good kids by making all the hard choices along the way. My favorite thing she said was "It would have been EASY to let them do what they wanted to do a few times so I could have been the 'cool' mom but when you make the EASY decisions early you sometimes have to deal with HARD circumstances later on in life. Being consistent is key."
As I left our little get-together I couldn't help but think of my own parenting skills with my daughter as well as my leadership skills at work. Creating a team full of good team members is not an easy job. It means making the hard choices early on in a consistent basis in order to form a firm foundation for the team to grow and thrive.
Making the tough choices is just that...tough. However the easy choices are not usually the best ones in the long run. Sometimes it can be difficult for people to see the big picture but it is our job as leaders to help them to see and understand it.
She was quick to correct me by saying, "None of this came easy. I had to make a ton of tough parenting choices along the way."
She told me stories about how her oldest son wanted to go to parties in high school his friends were attending and she made the tough choice to tell him no to a few of them. Each time she refused her son was mad at her for weeks. She went on to mention several of those former high school friends have since gotten DWIs and struggled in other ways with drugs and alcohol.
Her other son was quite shy when he was little so she would force him to speak to others when he was spoken to. After each encounter he would cry all the way home and ask her why she was so mean to make him do those things. Just the other day though he was chosen to give a speech at his high school graduation and he did so with ease.
She had many more examples of how she got the "easy" job of being a mom to good kids by making all the hard choices along the way. My favorite thing she said was "It would have been EASY to let them do what they wanted to do a few times so I could have been the 'cool' mom but when you make the EASY decisions early you sometimes have to deal with HARD circumstances later on in life. Being consistent is key."
As I left our little get-together I couldn't help but think of my own parenting skills with my daughter as well as my leadership skills at work. Creating a team full of good team members is not an easy job. It means making the hard choices early on in a consistent basis in order to form a firm foundation for the team to grow and thrive.
Making the tough choices is just that...tough. However the easy choices are not usually the best ones in the long run. Sometimes it can be difficult for people to see the big picture but it is our job as leaders to help them to see and understand it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Get Your Foot Off the Brake...
"You can't drive with the brakes on." This is how Mark Foreman put in when he was being interviewed on Focus on the Family. Mr. Foreman had been discussing how early on in our parenting career we need to make safety our number one goal for our kids. However as they get older we have to let off the brakes so to speak and let kids drive through life a little bit. The fact is if you have a twenty three year old who has never gotten a few bumps or bruises from life and living then he is going to have a hard time in this world. We as parents need to learn to start taking our foot off the brakes as our kids get older.
This whole idea resonated with me not only as a parent but just in general. As a parent I am constantly checking Amazon for a bubble to put Dotty in. If it could be pink with sparkles even better. In my ideal world she would never feel pain, disappointment, fear, heartbreak, loss, or anything negative. I realize though putting her in a bubble would also keep her from feeling much love, joy, excitement, or happiness (I mean after the fun of living in a pink sparkly bubble wears off).
I also began to realize you can't drive with the brakes on in business either. Just because you achieve one level of success does not mean you just get to park there and enjoy the view from now on. Very successful companies like Mars, Incorporated (the candy company that makes M&Ms among other products) are constantly inventing new marketing ideas, changing product packaging, and trying to reach the next generation of consumers. Have some ideas been not so great? Of course they have. Did you try the Strawberried Peanut Butter M&Ms or Chile Nut? I haven't. But you aren't always going to hit a homerun with every idea and that is the point. You have to take your foot off the brake and step on the accelerator once in a while. If you hit a wall, you clean up the wreckage, back up, figure out what went wrong and try again. Personally, I am so glad that the Blue M&M got added to the color mix back in 1995. It is one of my favorite colors...if I can ever find one.
In business you will hit a bump or two when it comes to new ideas but you will also hit your stride as well. As long as you take your foot off the brake and keep moving forward. So grab the steering wheel, put on your seatbelt, and hit the gas.
Side note: I read they also have a Pecan Pie M&M too. I might have to look into that one!
This whole idea resonated with me not only as a parent but just in general. As a parent I am constantly checking Amazon for a bubble to put Dotty in. If it could be pink with sparkles even better. In my ideal world she would never feel pain, disappointment, fear, heartbreak, loss, or anything negative. I realize though putting her in a bubble would also keep her from feeling much love, joy, excitement, or happiness (I mean after the fun of living in a pink sparkly bubble wears off).
I also began to realize you can't drive with the brakes on in business either. Just because you achieve one level of success does not mean you just get to park there and enjoy the view from now on. Very successful companies like Mars, Incorporated (the candy company that makes M&Ms among other products) are constantly inventing new marketing ideas, changing product packaging, and trying to reach the next generation of consumers. Have some ideas been not so great? Of course they have. Did you try the Strawberried Peanut Butter M&Ms or Chile Nut? I haven't. But you aren't always going to hit a homerun with every idea and that is the point. You have to take your foot off the brake and step on the accelerator once in a while. If you hit a wall, you clean up the wreckage, back up, figure out what went wrong and try again. Personally, I am so glad that the Blue M&M got added to the color mix back in 1995. It is one of my favorite colors...if I can ever find one.
In business you will hit a bump or two when it comes to new ideas but you will also hit your stride as well. As long as you take your foot off the brake and keep moving forward. So grab the steering wheel, put on your seatbelt, and hit the gas.
Side note: I read they also have a Pecan Pie M&M too. I might have to look into that one!
Monday, July 11, 2016
Delegation - Even Jesus Needed Help Getting Stuff Done
In Luke chapter 16 Jesus is telling the Parable of the Shrewd Manager and in verse ten it says "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much". In black and white...well actually it is printed in red ink in my Bible since Jesus is speaking...Jesus is telling us how to delegate to others.
The key is to only give them a little at first. Once they prove they are good stewards of the small amount then they can be given more.
For example, at work when you have Mr. New Guy join your organization you don't automatically hand him all the credit cards, passwords, and customers and then leave for a month's vacation to a remote island where you can't get any cell phone service. You clear your calendar and you hang out with the New Guy for a few days or a week until he feels comfortable at work (or at least until he knows where the bathroom is). Then you give him a customer of his very own and tell him you will be back to check on him. Then you come back and check on him. A lot. Then not so much. Then just a little. Then rarely. Then there comes a point where you only see (no longer the) New Guy if there is a problem and he comes to you for help.
When New Guy does a great job with one customer you give him more customers. If he does good with those you might give him a project. If he does good with that you might give him a committee, then maybe a department, then one day New Guy is hanging out with you at Board Meetings and his name has changed from New Guy to Chief Something. This whole process took New Guy years...not weeks...years! He proved you were able to trust him with very little and so now you can trust him with being a driving force in your company.
When it came to getting stuff done even Jesus needed help. He recruited his disciples to spread the gospel. These twelve men were selected to preach the good word. Jesus spent time with these men. They ate together, traveled together, and hung out a lot with each other. Jesus didn't just hire them to do the job then go back to his desk and start reading the latest Tablets or take a vacation to somewhere where he could relax and get away from it all. No. Jesus poured into them his teachings and taught them how to handle many diverse and often difficult situations. These men weren't perfect. Far from it in some cases. However Jesus knew the key was to select men and then have the men prove (mainly to each other because he was Jesus after all...he knew how the story would go) who could be trusted before he gave them their greatest challenge of all. There was a learning curve and there were setbacks. The disciples had to really buy in to what Jesus was preaching but once they did those who remained were given the greatest jobs of all time.
He said to the eleven that remained in Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation".
Now that is some real delegation right there.
The key is to only give them a little at first. Once they prove they are good stewards of the small amount then they can be given more.
For example, at work when you have Mr. New Guy join your organization you don't automatically hand him all the credit cards, passwords, and customers and then leave for a month's vacation to a remote island where you can't get any cell phone service. You clear your calendar and you hang out with the New Guy for a few days or a week until he feels comfortable at work (or at least until he knows where the bathroom is). Then you give him a customer of his very own and tell him you will be back to check on him. Then you come back and check on him. A lot. Then not so much. Then just a little. Then rarely. Then there comes a point where you only see (no longer the) New Guy if there is a problem and he comes to you for help.
When New Guy does a great job with one customer you give him more customers. If he does good with those you might give him a project. If he does good with that you might give him a committee, then maybe a department, then one day New Guy is hanging out with you at Board Meetings and his name has changed from New Guy to Chief Something. This whole process took New Guy years...not weeks...years! He proved you were able to trust him with very little and so now you can trust him with being a driving force in your company.
When it came to getting stuff done even Jesus needed help. He recruited his disciples to spread the gospel. These twelve men were selected to preach the good word. Jesus spent time with these men. They ate together, traveled together, and hung out a lot with each other. Jesus didn't just hire them to do the job then go back to his desk and start reading the latest Tablets or take a vacation to somewhere where he could relax and get away from it all. No. Jesus poured into them his teachings and taught them how to handle many diverse and often difficult situations. These men weren't perfect. Far from it in some cases. However Jesus knew the key was to select men and then have the men prove (mainly to each other because he was Jesus after all...he knew how the story would go) who could be trusted before he gave them their greatest challenge of all. There was a learning curve and there were setbacks. The disciples had to really buy in to what Jesus was preaching but once they did those who remained were given the greatest jobs of all time.
He said to the eleven that remained in Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation".
Now that is some real delegation right there.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Prayers for Dallas...
"Hate - It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet." - Maya Angelou
We pray for Dallas.
We pray for all those hurting.
We pray for all those who knowingly risk their lives everyday to save others.
We pray for their families.
We pray for peace.
We simply pray.
We pray for Dallas.
We pray for all those hurting.
We pray for all those who knowingly risk their lives everyday to save others.
We pray for their families.
We pray for peace.
We simply pray.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
I Lost My Diplomas...
I was rearranging some rooms in my house a couple of months ago and I took down my two diplomas. I have not seen them since.
I have BBA and MBA in Business from Midwestern State University. I graduated with honors and made my parents very proud. So proud in fact it took them a while to actually give me my diplomas after they had them framed for me as a graduation gift. My diplomas hung in my parents house alongside my brothers Bachelors in Horticulture degree from Tarleton State University for several years.
And now I can't find them.
Many people ask me why I don't hang my diplomas at the stores, in my office, or at least somewhere in my house where people can see them (so far they have hung behind doors or in closets). Trust me I am very proud of my degrees. If anyone had Dr. Harvey for Statistics (and I had her for both undergrad and grad courses) you definitely have a sense of pride for getting out of that class with any kind of passing grade.
I think college is important. I am glad I went. I learned a lot. I might even go back some day and get my PhD. I hope my daughter will go to college.
However, some of the smartest people I know (especially in the pecan industry) did not go to or did not finish college. Neither of my parents finished college and they are smart business minded individuals. In my opinion, while it never hurts to have a college degree I also don't feel that just because I have one or two means I am somehow smarter than others in the room.
You can ask any of my staff, close friends, or family, I can't spell to save my life and if I don't have a calculator or a phone handy my math is pretty iffy. My CPA has asked me several times if I slept through my accounting classes and other than knowing to take the lump sum if you win the lottery I am kind of clueless with finance issues.
All that being said I think the best thing college did teach me is the ability to study difficult and diverse topics until I could grasp them enough to understand them. It taught me to focus, manage my time, and be open to new ideas.
I was one of the people who knew at eighteen the "real world" was going to be too hard for me but also knew I couldn't stay in high school forever. College was a great way to spend four or five years transitioning from being a naïve teenager to being a naïve twenty year old. The real world still knocked me down a time or two when I got out in it after graduation but thanks to college and all that comes along with it (all night cram sessions, all night parties, college professors, college boys, college friends, boring 8am classes, bad lab partners, good roommates, terrible roommates, and so much more) I was a little tougher than when I arrived on campus.
My diplomas are important to me. It took a lot to get them but I have learned a lot since the day I walked across the stage. Some things you just can't learn in a classroom. Some things only life can teach you. Now if only life will tell me where I put those darn things I will be good!!
I have BBA and MBA in Business from Midwestern State University. I graduated with honors and made my parents very proud. So proud in fact it took them a while to actually give me my diplomas after they had them framed for me as a graduation gift. My diplomas hung in my parents house alongside my brothers Bachelors in Horticulture degree from Tarleton State University for several years.
And now I can't find them.
Many people ask me why I don't hang my diplomas at the stores, in my office, or at least somewhere in my house where people can see them (so far they have hung behind doors or in closets). Trust me I am very proud of my degrees. If anyone had Dr. Harvey for Statistics (and I had her for both undergrad and grad courses) you definitely have a sense of pride for getting out of that class with any kind of passing grade.
I think college is important. I am glad I went. I learned a lot. I might even go back some day and get my PhD. I hope my daughter will go to college.
However, some of the smartest people I know (especially in the pecan industry) did not go to or did not finish college. Neither of my parents finished college and they are smart business minded individuals. In my opinion, while it never hurts to have a college degree I also don't feel that just because I have one or two means I am somehow smarter than others in the room.
You can ask any of my staff, close friends, or family, I can't spell to save my life and if I don't have a calculator or a phone handy my math is pretty iffy. My CPA has asked me several times if I slept through my accounting classes and other than knowing to take the lump sum if you win the lottery I am kind of clueless with finance issues.
All that being said I think the best thing college did teach me is the ability to study difficult and diverse topics until I could grasp them enough to understand them. It taught me to focus, manage my time, and be open to new ideas.
I was one of the people who knew at eighteen the "real world" was going to be too hard for me but also knew I couldn't stay in high school forever. College was a great way to spend four or five years transitioning from being a naïve teenager to being a naïve twenty year old. The real world still knocked me down a time or two when I got out in it after graduation but thanks to college and all that comes along with it (all night cram sessions, all night parties, college professors, college boys, college friends, boring 8am classes, bad lab partners, good roommates, terrible roommates, and so much more) I was a little tougher than when I arrived on campus.
My diplomas are important to me. It took a lot to get them but I have learned a lot since the day I walked across the stage. Some things you just can't learn in a classroom. Some things only life can teach you. Now if only life will tell me where I put those darn things I will be good!!
You've Got Mail...
I have watched "You've Got Mail" probably over two hundred times at least. Every time it comes on the television when I am flipping through the channels I will stop and watch it to the end no matter how much is left in the show. I just have to see if Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly will get together in the end again.
I love this show. I love watching it. It makes me happy to sit and watch every minute of this movie. I love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I love books and movies about books. I love New York. I love hearing the old dial up sound (it takes me back to my teenage years). I simply love it all.
Except for when it is over and I realize I have wasted my time whether it be five minutes or two hours watching a movie I not only know by heart but also own on DVD thus could watch without commercials!!!
Why do we waste so much time on such silly things? It amazes me how much time I waste a day looking at Facebook, checking my email for the nineteenth time, scrolling through Pinterest, watching boring or pointless tv shows, and so on.
Even while typing this I have the tv on in the living room and tabs up on the computer screen for Facebook and my email. My ability to multitask yet still use my time poorly some days is quite amazing.
I have stacks of books in my room I have not read yet. I am signed up for Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership All Access in which there are endless amounts of lessons and eCoaching sessions to listen to. I have several apps on my phone for motivational podcasts.
Yet most days unless I am very disciplined I turn to the mind numbing activities. Why? Because it is easier to do those. Because the former ones rarely make me stretch my thoughts, heart, core values, or talents like the latter ones do. Because it is easy. Because it is a habit. Because it is an escape.
Staying in the now is sometimes hard. Working on paperwork, payroll reports, book chapters, job descriptions, food journals, laundry, sleep...can all be hard sometimes. But avoiding them does not make them go away. A distraction is only temporary and can't last forever. Like all good movies, they must come to an end.
Oh and in case you were wondering...Joe and Kathleen did get together again. Whew! Roll the credits.
I love this show. I love watching it. It makes me happy to sit and watch every minute of this movie. I love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I love books and movies about books. I love New York. I love hearing the old dial up sound (it takes me back to my teenage years). I simply love it all.
Except for when it is over and I realize I have wasted my time whether it be five minutes or two hours watching a movie I not only know by heart but also own on DVD thus could watch without commercials!!!
Why do we waste so much time on such silly things? It amazes me how much time I waste a day looking at Facebook, checking my email for the nineteenth time, scrolling through Pinterest, watching boring or pointless tv shows, and so on.
Even while typing this I have the tv on in the living room and tabs up on the computer screen for Facebook and my email. My ability to multitask yet still use my time poorly some days is quite amazing.
I have stacks of books in my room I have not read yet. I am signed up for Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership All Access in which there are endless amounts of lessons and eCoaching sessions to listen to. I have several apps on my phone for motivational podcasts.
Yet most days unless I am very disciplined I turn to the mind numbing activities. Why? Because it is easier to do those. Because the former ones rarely make me stretch my thoughts, heart, core values, or talents like the latter ones do. Because it is easy. Because it is a habit. Because it is an escape.
Staying in the now is sometimes hard. Working on paperwork, payroll reports, book chapters, job descriptions, food journals, laundry, sleep...can all be hard sometimes. But avoiding them does not make them go away. A distraction is only temporary and can't last forever. Like all good movies, they must come to an end.
Oh and in case you were wondering...Joe and Kathleen did get together again. Whew! Roll the credits.
Monday, July 4, 2016
You Can't Avoid Conflict...
I have never been a fan of boxing or wrestling or the Bachelor. I just don't like conflict.
However, the truth is we can't avoid conflict. Another truth is having conflict in your business or your personal life does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing. Some conflict is good. Certain types of conflict can lead to new ideas and growth.
The key with conflict is how well you "fight". Verbal abuse, arguing for the sake of arguing, close mindedness, immaturity, hate, anger, resentment, and other elements do not make a good fight. Having a mature adult conversation does.
Stating your facts in a calm, rational voice is key. Being open to hear what others say and how they feel is crucial. Making a decision based on what is good for the business, family, relationship, or community as a whole is vital (even if that means your choice is not the decision that was picked). You can't fight to win. You have to fight to be heard but then you have to look at all the options on the table and pick the best one...not just yours.
Once the decision has been made you need to let it go. You can't hold grudges When the bell rings or the final rose has been handed out the fight is over. Don't have a rematch or a reunion show to drag up all the old issues again...your goal is not to get ratings it is to get results.
However, the truth is we can't avoid conflict. Another truth is having conflict in your business or your personal life does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing. Some conflict is good. Certain types of conflict can lead to new ideas and growth.
The key with conflict is how well you "fight". Verbal abuse, arguing for the sake of arguing, close mindedness, immaturity, hate, anger, resentment, and other elements do not make a good fight. Having a mature adult conversation does.
Stating your facts in a calm, rational voice is key. Being open to hear what others say and how they feel is crucial. Making a decision based on what is good for the business, family, relationship, or community as a whole is vital (even if that means your choice is not the decision that was picked). You can't fight to win. You have to fight to be heard but then you have to look at all the options on the table and pick the best one...not just yours.
Once the decision has been made you need to let it go. You can't hold grudges When the bell rings or the final rose has been handed out the fight is over. Don't have a rematch or a reunion show to drag up all the old issues again...your goal is not to get ratings it is to get results.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Eat the Crust First...
Recently I was listening to an eCoaching session where Edgell Pyles (a family business consultant) was being interviewed about all aspects of family businesses. He covered a lot of topics, everything from setting boundaries and creating roles within the business to transitioning from one generation to another.
One of the things he said I simply loved was with everything in life but especially with the difficult aspects you have to "eat the crust first". You have to do the hard stuff first before you get to the soft, easy, sweet stuff. If you "eat the crust first" in every situation, every day then before long it won't be hard to get it done. Training yourself to not avoid or to dread the "crust" in life will make the rest of life more enjoyable.
I am a peacemaker my nature. I love balance. I love for everyone to just get along. So sometimes I can avoid or push off the difficult stuff until there comes a point where it is sitting right in my path and there is simply no way around it. It is never easier to handle the "crust" of life by putting it off. In fact, sometimes it is harder. Putting off the "crust" means we have to think about it all the time knowing it will be there after we are done avoiding it.
So today when you get up and get ready and head to the kitchen for breakfast make sure you "eat the crust first" both literally on the toast you make and metaphorically in how you handle life's challenges. Not only it is healthy for you, but once you are done with the crust you can enjoy the buttery center of both the toast and what life has to offer!
One of the things he said I simply loved was with everything in life but especially with the difficult aspects you have to "eat the crust first". You have to do the hard stuff first before you get to the soft, easy, sweet stuff. If you "eat the crust first" in every situation, every day then before long it won't be hard to get it done. Training yourself to not avoid or to dread the "crust" in life will make the rest of life more enjoyable.
I am a peacemaker my nature. I love balance. I love for everyone to just get along. So sometimes I can avoid or push off the difficult stuff until there comes a point where it is sitting right in my path and there is simply no way around it. It is never easier to handle the "crust" of life by putting it off. In fact, sometimes it is harder. Putting off the "crust" means we have to think about it all the time knowing it will be there after we are done avoiding it.
So today when you get up and get ready and head to the kitchen for breakfast make sure you "eat the crust first" both literally on the toast you make and metaphorically in how you handle life's challenges. Not only it is healthy for you, but once you are done with the crust you can enjoy the buttery center of both the toast and what life has to offer!
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Blank Space
I used to think that having every minute of every day scheduled meant I was getting stuff done...that I was important...that I was needed. What it really means is I have no control over my schedule and I would rather be "busy" than productive.
Being the single mom of an almost nine year old very active, very social little girl I get a lot of things scheduled for me...softball practices and games, dance lessons and recitals, school parties and programs, birthday parties, play dates, sleep overs, camps, vacations, and oh so much more. My day planner is very full and that is all before I even add my work functions in much less my own social and volunteer activities.
So often I hear people say "I know you are so busy..." and I am. But I am not sure how productive I am at running a business, being a mom, or being a friend.
Like a car needs fuel to drive we as people have to refill our own tanks if we want to keep "cruising" through life. With that in mind I have started making it a point to put some blank spaces in my planner. I make sure I have an evening where I don't have anything planned and I can either read, get a massage or a pedicure, or work in my flower beds. I am making a commitment to check in with friends more often to hear about what is going on with them and to refill my tank with their love and friendship.
Down time in not wasteful. Let me repeat that for my fellow OCD perfectionist type A friends out there...down time is not wasteful. We have to turn off electronics so they can recharge or they will die on their own. We can't run a car at 90 miles an hour forever before the fuel runs out and the motor burns up. We make sure our kids eat and get sleep and we need to make sure we do the same. We all need to rest, relax, refuel, and recharge. We can't multitask that...we have to do it in the blank spaces of our lives.
So grab you some white out and make some room. Trust only feels weird for the first few times you do it...then you begin to crave those little pockets of time they make a huge difference in your day, work, and life!
Being the single mom of an almost nine year old very active, very social little girl I get a lot of things scheduled for me...softball practices and games, dance lessons and recitals, school parties and programs, birthday parties, play dates, sleep overs, camps, vacations, and oh so much more. My day planner is very full and that is all before I even add my work functions in much less my own social and volunteer activities.
So often I hear people say "I know you are so busy..." and I am. But I am not sure how productive I am at running a business, being a mom, or being a friend.
Like a car needs fuel to drive we as people have to refill our own tanks if we want to keep "cruising" through life. With that in mind I have started making it a point to put some blank spaces in my planner. I make sure I have an evening where I don't have anything planned and I can either read, get a massage or a pedicure, or work in my flower beds. I am making a commitment to check in with friends more often to hear about what is going on with them and to refill my tank with their love and friendship.
Down time in not wasteful. Let me repeat that for my fellow OCD perfectionist type A friends out there...down time is not wasteful. We have to turn off electronics so they can recharge or they will die on their own. We can't run a car at 90 miles an hour forever before the fuel runs out and the motor burns up. We make sure our kids eat and get sleep and we need to make sure we do the same. We all need to rest, relax, refuel, and recharge. We can't multitask that...we have to do it in the blank spaces of our lives.
So grab you some white out and make some room. Trust only feels weird for the first few times you do it...then you begin to crave those little pockets of time they make a huge difference in your day, work, and life!
Dallas Gift Market June 2016
Many friends, family, and team members have joined me over the years at the Dallas Gift Market. I started going with my mom probably almost two decades ago (man I am getting old). What amazes me about the Gift Market is not the amount of people who attend or the number of floors that are filled with showrooms and booths of merchants...what amazes me is the owners who are working those showrooms and booths.
I can always tell when I am talking to a rep and when I am talking to the owner. I deal with good reps and some even great reps...but when you are talking with the owner not only can you see the love they have for what they are trying to get you to buy (by the dozens) but you can also see that this is a make or break moment for them. These products are what are going to pay for their mortgage, their food, their kids college tuition, and possibly their gas back home. These products aren't just cloth and plastic and metal formed together to make an inanimate object...they are the blood, sweat and tears these people have poured in to turn an idea into a reality.
They believe in their products more than they ever believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy combined. Not only do they want me to buy it to offer it to my customers but they want me to believe in it too! These people gave up their steady 9-5 jobs to pursue a dream. They took a risk. The took a leap of faith. They probably took out a big loan too.
Some will be the next big thing for the moment. Some I will see at future shows for many years. Some I will never see at a show again.
I have great respect for these vendors. Whether they succeed or not they tried. They did what very few do...they took the risk...they took the leap of faith...they jumped. May God give them all the wings to fly.
I can always tell when I am talking to a rep and when I am talking to the owner. I deal with good reps and some even great reps...but when you are talking with the owner not only can you see the love they have for what they are trying to get you to buy (by the dozens) but you can also see that this is a make or break moment for them. These products are what are going to pay for their mortgage, their food, their kids college tuition, and possibly their gas back home. These products aren't just cloth and plastic and metal formed together to make an inanimate object...they are the blood, sweat and tears these people have poured in to turn an idea into a reality.
They believe in their products more than they ever believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy combined. Not only do they want me to buy it to offer it to my customers but they want me to believe in it too! These people gave up their steady 9-5 jobs to pursue a dream. They took a risk. The took a leap of faith. They probably took out a big loan too.
Some will be the next big thing for the moment. Some I will see at future shows for many years. Some I will never see at a show again.
I have great respect for these vendors. Whether they succeed or not they tried. They did what very few do...they took the risk...they took the leap of faith...they jumped. May God give them all the wings to fly.
Next Right Step...
When life hands you big choices...I am talking those monumental ones that have a way of changing someone's entire life path...we often are frozen in fear of making the wrong choice. I certainly have felt that way numerous times in my life. When we are faced with physical fear we often can rely on our "fight or flight" natural instinct to make the decision for us but when it comes to less immediate harm and more permanent results we often find our natural instinct has taken flight and indecision is fighting to take over our brains.
Many of the best minds in the business world have also faced situations like these. Some of them were on the brink of bankruptcy or were facing huge lawsuits. Some of them even lost it all and had to start again from rock bottom. Some of them faced personal crisis with their family members or their own health. All of them have said the same thing...
When you don't know which way to turn just do the next right step.
You don't have to know where your destination is. You don't have to know the goal. You don't have to know how to get there. You just make the next right choice, the next right decision, the next right step...then you keep doing that over and over again until you can look back and see how far you have come.
Sometimes the next right step is to the left and the then next right step is to the right and then the next one is back. You don't have to keep moving in the same direction as the first step you just take the next right step based on where you are in the moment. Before long you will be able to see the right steps in front of you. The path behind you may be long and curvy and even have some moments where you backtracked for a while but in the end you will know each step was the right one at that particular moment in time.
Just keeping step at a time.
Many of the best minds in the business world have also faced situations like these. Some of them were on the brink of bankruptcy or were facing huge lawsuits. Some of them even lost it all and had to start again from rock bottom. Some of them faced personal crisis with their family members or their own health. All of them have said the same thing...
When you don't know which way to turn just do the next right step.
You don't have to know where your destination is. You don't have to know the goal. You don't have to know how to get there. You just make the next right choice, the next right decision, the next right step...then you keep doing that over and over again until you can look back and see how far you have come.
Sometimes the next right step is to the left and the then next right step is to the right and then the next one is back. You don't have to keep moving in the same direction as the first step you just take the next right step based on where you are in the moment. Before long you will be able to see the right steps in front of you. The path behind you may be long and curvy and even have some moments where you backtracked for a while but in the end you will know each step was the right one at that particular moment in time.
Just keeping step at a time.
Everyone has a story...
There is an old saying that if everyone threw their problems into a pile and we all got to see what everyone was having to deal with we would fight to get our own problems back. Basically what this is saying is that even when we think we have it rough there is usually someone out there who would give anything to trade problems with us.
Several of my team members have shared with me over the past few months some of the hard times they are facing. While we offer them hugs and prayers and help in any way we can as a company I still realize that they have to go home and deal with their problems. Many times I can't imagine what some of them are facing. I am amazed they show up for work at all much less can find a way to laugh and smile.
We all have our problems. We all have our stories. As a company and a team leader my job is to help in any way I can and listen to what my team member really needs. Some need time off. Some need more hours. Some just need to vent. Some need help in knowing where to turn next. They all just need to know that they matter and that we as a team care about them.
Several of my team members have shared with me over the past few months some of the hard times they are facing. While we offer them hugs and prayers and help in any way we can as a company I still realize that they have to go home and deal with their problems. Many times I can't imagine what some of them are facing. I am amazed they show up for work at all much less can find a way to laugh and smile.
We all have our problems. We all have our stories. As a company and a team leader my job is to help in any way I can and listen to what my team member really needs. Some need time off. Some need more hours. Some just need to vent. Some need help in knowing where to turn next. They all just need to know that they matter and that we as a team care about them.
Are You Looking in a Window or a Mirror
At the Summit Conference it was hard to choose which session I liked most but one of the top contenders was when there was a Q&A Session with Dave Ramsey, Jim Collins, and Patrick Lencioni. During that session one of the speakers (I forget who) talked about a person's relationship to blame. According to him there are two ways in which we view blame...either looking through a window or in a mirror.
The point he was making is those who never take ownership of their mistakes or shortcomings place the blame on other people or the situation. Their relationship to blame is through a window. They can see who and what all played a role in the blame but they never see themselves.
On the other hand, those who do take ownership of their mistakes and shortcomings see their blame in a mirror. They place the responsibility on themselves. They own it. They claim it. They don't hide from it. They don't put it on others. They alone stand in the mirror and see how they themselves are responsible.
When someone is to blame it can be easy to look out a window but true leaders and valuable team members will pick up a mirror in those situations. They will look deep into that mirror and study what went wrong. Then they will put the mirror down and get on with making it right.
The point he was making is those who never take ownership of their mistakes or shortcomings place the blame on other people or the situation. Their relationship to blame is through a window. They can see who and what all played a role in the blame but they never see themselves.
On the other hand, those who do take ownership of their mistakes and shortcomings see their blame in a mirror. They place the responsibility on themselves. They own it. They claim it. They don't hide from it. They don't put it on others. They alone stand in the mirror and see how they themselves are responsible.
When someone is to blame it can be easy to look out a window but true leaders and valuable team members will pick up a mirror in those situations. They will look deep into that mirror and study what went wrong. Then they will put the mirror down and get on with making it right.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Five Years from Now...
The question was posed at the Summit in Dallas...
If you were told today you only had five years to live, what would you take off your plate and what would you put on it?
Having five years is a significant amount of time. If you only had six months or even a year to live you might just sell all your possessions and start traveling the world or you might take your kids out of school and make a million memories for them to cherish for a lifetime. But having five years to live means you have to do things like pay bills and send kids to school.
However, if you knew you only had five years to live would you spend much of the time watching bad tv or any tv or would you watch more sunrises and sunsets? Would you spend much time hanging around people who are negative and draining or people who were changing the world one person at a time? Would you do something huge to leave a legacy behind or would you do something small to leave one person's world better off than it was before...or would you do both? Would you work late every night or would you leave work on time or even early to take your kids to the park to play and while you are at the park would you scroll through Facebook and Twitter or would you push them on the swings and build castles with them in the sand? If you only had five years left to live would you read the latest trashy romance novel cover to cover or would you read the Bible word for word? Would you make a list of all your regrets or a bucket list and start checking it off today...right this moment...not tomorrow...not next week...not next year...but now?
Five years...half a decade...260 Saturdays...1,825 days. What will you do with the next five years of your life...or the next year...or next week...or tomorrow?
If you were told today you only had five years to live, what would you take off your plate and what would you put on it?
Having five years is a significant amount of time. If you only had six months or even a year to live you might just sell all your possessions and start traveling the world or you might take your kids out of school and make a million memories for them to cherish for a lifetime. But having five years to live means you have to do things like pay bills and send kids to school.
However, if you knew you only had five years to live would you spend much of the time watching bad tv or any tv or would you watch more sunrises and sunsets? Would you spend much time hanging around people who are negative and draining or people who were changing the world one person at a time? Would you do something huge to leave a legacy behind or would you do something small to leave one person's world better off than it was before...or would you do both? Would you work late every night or would you leave work on time or even early to take your kids to the park to play and while you are at the park would you scroll through Facebook and Twitter or would you push them on the swings and build castles with them in the sand? If you only had five years left to live would you read the latest trashy romance novel cover to cover or would you read the Bible word for word? Would you make a list of all your regrets or a bucket list and start checking it off today...right this moment...not tomorrow...not next week...not next year...but now?
Five years...half a decade...260 Saturdays...1,825 days. What will you do with the next five years of your life...or the next year...or next week...or tomorrow?
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Goals vs. Wishes
At the Summit Conference there was a whole session on "Start with a Dream, End with a Goal" led by Chris Hogan
I have heard many of the things Chris talked about at various talks by various people but Chris made some really good points really clear.
According to Chris "Goals that work must...
Be specific
Be measurable
Have a time limit
Be yours
Be in in writing"
No only did Chris talk about knowing the steps you were going to take to reach your goals but he also talked about the things you were willing to give up to reach those goals. The latter really hit home with me.
If you want to workout more are you willing to give up some sleeping in time each morning to get your sweat on?
If you want to read more books about becoming a great leader, parent, team member, Christian, etc. are you willing to give up some tv time?
If you want to pay off credit cards are you willing to give up vacation this year...and next year...and the next?
If you want to go back to college to get your degree are you willing to give up time with your family and friends to attend classes at night or online?
Deciding what you are willing to give up in order to reach your goals made me really think about things in a whole new way!!! When you realize what you are going to have to GIVE UP to get what you really want in life it starts to make things very real, very fast.
I have heard many of the things Chris talked about at various talks by various people but Chris made some really good points really clear.
According to Chris "Goals that work must...
Be specific
Be measurable
Have a time limit
Be yours
Be in in writing"
No only did Chris talk about knowing the steps you were going to take to reach your goals but he also talked about the things you were willing to give up to reach those goals. The latter really hit home with me.
If you want to workout more are you willing to give up some sleeping in time each morning to get your sweat on?
If you want to read more books about becoming a great leader, parent, team member, Christian, etc. are you willing to give up some tv time?
If you want to pay off credit cards are you willing to give up vacation this year...and next year...and the next?
If you want to go back to college to get your degree are you willing to give up time with your family and friends to attend classes at night or online?
Deciding what you are willing to give up in order to reach your goals made me really think about things in a whole new way!!! When you realize what you are going to have to GIVE UP to get what you really want in life it starts to make things very real, very fast.
You become more of who you are...
It is interesting to me to hear stories about people who come in to large sums of money really quickly whether it be from winning the lottery or becoming a famous athlete or actor or they get some type of huge inheritance. The money doesn't change them most of the time. It merely amplifies who they were before they became rich.
For instance people with drug and alcohol problems usually don't seek help from high priced rehab centers they just have more money to buy drugs and alcohol. Those who were broke before because they were bad with money skills just have more money to lose once they got rich. A lot of people who win the lottery end up broke a few short years after they get their millions. The typical professional football player only plays three years in the NFL and is broke shortly after he is out of the league.
What this tells me is if a person has problems with managing a little bit of money, success, fame, or good fortune then he/she will also struggle when they come into large amounts of any of those things. The trick is to learn to be good stewards of what you have in the moment. Then when God blesses you with more you will be able to handle it.
For instance people with drug and alcohol problems usually don't seek help from high priced rehab centers they just have more money to buy drugs and alcohol. Those who were broke before because they were bad with money skills just have more money to lose once they got rich. A lot of people who win the lottery end up broke a few short years after they get their millions. The typical professional football player only plays three years in the NFL and is broke shortly after he is out of the league.
What this tells me is if a person has problems with managing a little bit of money, success, fame, or good fortune then he/she will also struggle when they come into large amounts of any of those things. The trick is to learn to be good stewards of what you have in the moment. Then when God blesses you with more you will be able to handle it.
Monday, June 20, 2016
5 Things I know About People by John Maxwell...
I was listening to a Focus on the Family podcast today and one of my favorite leadership gurus was on it. John Maxwell was talking about the "Five Things I Know About People". I loved it. Here is what they are...
1. Everyone wants to be somebody.
Everyone wants to feel like they matter. We need to be "cheerleaders for people". Jesus was in the people business and we should be too.
2. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
We all have had great teachers, mentors, leaders, etc. in our lives who were full of knowledge and wisdom. But the ones that really impacted us were the ones who took a personal interest in us.
3. Everybody who belongs to the body of Christ belongs to everybody that belongs to the body of Christ.
Many Christians want to be lone rangers. We can't do it all alone. "We are bothers and sisters in Jesus and we are going on a journey together."
4. Anybody who helps somebody influences a lot of bodies.
When you and I put our effort into helping someone else our influence will stretch way beyond just the person we are helping. Our tendency is to hold back. The moment you start helping other people it will influence others to help other people and before you know it something is really going on and a whole movement begins to come alive.
5. God loves everybody.
People sometimes let other people tell them what they can and cannot do; what they can and cannot be. We shouldn't let anybody hold us back from what God intended us to be.
John Maxwell wrote a book called "Winning with People" and I can't wait to read it!
1. Everyone wants to be somebody.
Everyone wants to feel like they matter. We need to be "cheerleaders for people". Jesus was in the people business and we should be too.
2. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
We all have had great teachers, mentors, leaders, etc. in our lives who were full of knowledge and wisdom. But the ones that really impacted us were the ones who took a personal interest in us.
3. Everybody who belongs to the body of Christ belongs to everybody that belongs to the body of Christ.
Many Christians want to be lone rangers. We can't do it all alone. "We are bothers and sisters in Jesus and we are going on a journey together."
4. Anybody who helps somebody influences a lot of bodies.
When you and I put our effort into helping someone else our influence will stretch way beyond just the person we are helping. Our tendency is to hold back. The moment you start helping other people it will influence others to help other people and before you know it something is really going on and a whole movement begins to come alive.
5. God loves everybody.
People sometimes let other people tell them what they can and cannot do; what they can and cannot be. We shouldn't let anybody hold us back from what God intended us to be.
John Maxwell wrote a book called "Winning with People" and I can't wait to read it!
My Business has a Problem...and it is Me
Thanks to the Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership book and Summit I found out my business has a problem...and it is me. As one of the top leaders at the Pecan Shed (I share the role with my dad and brother) I realize that our business will only be as successful as we choose it to be. Our family business will only grow as much as we are willing to grow as leaders. It will only reach the highest potential that we reach as a leadership team.
Many great companies are built by great leaders. And many good companies are built by good leaders. And many not so good companies are lead by not so good leaders. Some of the best business models around have failed not because of the product or service but because of the leadership that was steering the company.
As a top leader in the Pecan Shed that puts a lot of pressure on me to live up to the expectations of my team, customers, and community. It also means that I have a lot of control over how much success we do or don't have.
So (as Dave Ramsey has said many times) while the problem in our business is me, I am also the solution. That fact alone is wonderful and powerful and downright scary too.
As a leader we all have a great responsibility to our teams and to our customers. We cannot simply create a good product or service, hire some staff, and then sit back and watch the bank account increase. We have to continually be striving to learn more, do more, get better, and improve in all areas of our lives.
Leadership comes with many advantages but always remember...the buck stops at the top (or at least it should). Leaders are the problem but they are also the solution.
Many great companies are built by great leaders. And many good companies are built by good leaders. And many not so good companies are lead by not so good leaders. Some of the best business models around have failed not because of the product or service but because of the leadership that was steering the company.
As a top leader in the Pecan Shed that puts a lot of pressure on me to live up to the expectations of my team, customers, and community. It also means that I have a lot of control over how much success we do or don't have.
So (as Dave Ramsey has said many times) while the problem in our business is me, I am also the solution. That fact alone is wonderful and powerful and downright scary too.
As a leader we all have a great responsibility to our teams and to our customers. We cannot simply create a good product or service, hire some staff, and then sit back and watch the bank account increase. We have to continually be striving to learn more, do more, get better, and improve in all areas of our lives.
Leadership comes with many advantages but always remember...the buck stops at the top (or at least it should). Leaders are the problem but they are also the solution.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Feeling 35
I often tell people I don't feel my age. Some days I feel like I am still in my 20s and some days I feel more like I am in my 80s. What amazes me more than the number of candles on my birthday cake is the number of years my family has been in the pecan business.
This fall we will be celebrating 35 years of business and in some ways that just seems nuts to me. I was only two when Mom and Dad opened what was literally a two room "shed" in the little town of Byers, TX where they sold pecans in the shell and cracked. The building had no central heat or air and no plumbing. Mom had to walk across the street to use the restroom at Reed's gas station. The Pecan Shed was only open a few months out of the year...usually November until January or February. We had no pecan orchards of our own at the time but were leasing orchards along with all the other farming my parents were doing (such as wheat, cattle, etc.).
When I talk to my parents neither one of them believed the Pecan Shed would last more than a few years. Dad has even said back in 1981 he thought if it made it eight or nine years he would consider it a success. As the business grew we built a new metal building at the Byers location. Then we opened the "Garden Patch" in Wichita Falls several years later. That location sold pecans and since we needed to stay open year round to pay the bills we also started growing produce or buying it from neighbors on the Charlie/Thornberry Farm Trail to sell at the Garden Patch. In 1994 Mom and Dad built the Pecan Shed at 1401 Midwestern Pkwy in Wichita Falls. This store is still our "hub" location where we do all our shipping and internet marketing as well as retail and wholesale. On October 30, 2014 my dream came true and we opened a second Pecan Shed in Henrietta. PS2 as I loving refer to the Henrietta store serves customers from all over the United States and even several other countries on a daily basis thanks to the highway traffic off of Hwy 287.
While the retail business was growing so were our orchards. In 1987 we started planting the first of our own trees and we have continued to do so almost every year since. To date we have over 1,000 acres and 25,000 pecan trees in the Charlie/Thornberry/Byers, TX area.
While Jake and I grew up in the family business we were both prone to say we didn't want to actually be a part of it when we were done with school. Jake went to Tarleton State University in Stephenville where he earned his horticulture degree. I have a Masters in Business from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. Both of us had career goals that had nothing to do with pecans. However, the old saying is true...the easiest way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans. For various reasons Jake and I both ended up back in the family business soon after graduating from college. Of course another old saying is also is always good to be home. The Pecan Shed and the Montz Orchards are definitely home to us.
Today, Mom is retired to play with grandkids, I (along with my excellent team) run the two retail stores, Jake (and his awesome crew) run the orchard operations as well as Jake is a expert in pecan exportation to China, and Dad still has he hand in the mix of everything on the days he doesn't go fishing.
While some days it is hard for me to believe I will be 37 this fall I must say it seems even crazier that we have been in the pecan business for 35 years. Some days it feels like we just began our journey and some days it feels like we have been around forever. One thing I do know is I am sure looking forward to what the next 35 years have in doubt it will be nuttin' but good stuff full of fond memories, wonderful people and (in my opinion) the best pecans, fudge, pies, brittle, and so much more!
We truly are...Family Owned and Grown Since 1981!
This fall we will be celebrating 35 years of business and in some ways that just seems nuts to me. I was only two when Mom and Dad opened what was literally a two room "shed" in the little town of Byers, TX where they sold pecans in the shell and cracked. The building had no central heat or air and no plumbing. Mom had to walk across the street to use the restroom at Reed's gas station. The Pecan Shed was only open a few months out of the year...usually November until January or February. We had no pecan orchards of our own at the time but were leasing orchards along with all the other farming my parents were doing (such as wheat, cattle, etc.).
When I talk to my parents neither one of them believed the Pecan Shed would last more than a few years. Dad has even said back in 1981 he thought if it made it eight or nine years he would consider it a success. As the business grew we built a new metal building at the Byers location. Then we opened the "Garden Patch" in Wichita Falls several years later. That location sold pecans and since we needed to stay open year round to pay the bills we also started growing produce or buying it from neighbors on the Charlie/Thornberry Farm Trail to sell at the Garden Patch. In 1994 Mom and Dad built the Pecan Shed at 1401 Midwestern Pkwy in Wichita Falls. This store is still our "hub" location where we do all our shipping and internet marketing as well as retail and wholesale. On October 30, 2014 my dream came true and we opened a second Pecan Shed in Henrietta. PS2 as I loving refer to the Henrietta store serves customers from all over the United States and even several other countries on a daily basis thanks to the highway traffic off of Hwy 287.
While the retail business was growing so were our orchards. In 1987 we started planting the first of our own trees and we have continued to do so almost every year since. To date we have over 1,000 acres and 25,000 pecan trees in the Charlie/Thornberry/Byers, TX area.
While Jake and I grew up in the family business we were both prone to say we didn't want to actually be a part of it when we were done with school. Jake went to Tarleton State University in Stephenville where he earned his horticulture degree. I have a Masters in Business from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. Both of us had career goals that had nothing to do with pecans. However, the old saying is true...the easiest way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans. For various reasons Jake and I both ended up back in the family business soon after graduating from college. Of course another old saying is also is always good to be home. The Pecan Shed and the Montz Orchards are definitely home to us.
Today, Mom is retired to play with grandkids, I (along with my excellent team) run the two retail stores, Jake (and his awesome crew) run the orchard operations as well as Jake is a expert in pecan exportation to China, and Dad still has he hand in the mix of everything on the days he doesn't go fishing.
While some days it is hard for me to believe I will be 37 this fall I must say it seems even crazier that we have been in the pecan business for 35 years. Some days it feels like we just began our journey and some days it feels like we have been around forever. One thing I do know is I am sure looking forward to what the next 35 years have in doubt it will be nuttin' but good stuff full of fond memories, wonderful people and (in my opinion) the best pecans, fudge, pies, brittle, and so much more!
We truly are...Family Owned and Grown Since 1981!
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Everyone On the Bus...Beep Beep!
Jim Collins talks about how important it is to get the right people on the bus and in the right seats and then determine where the bus is going. In business this means you have to hire the right people for your organization to do the right job. Then and only then can the bus get to the right destination.
Often times, especially in small businesses that are growing very rapidly, we realize we need to hire people and QUICKLY! We have jobs to do and we can't do them all. So we start hiring team members left and right. Before long we realize that some of the team members we hired were not great choices. Or we might see where the team member is a great person and we love them in the business but not necessarily at the job they are doing.
The trick is to make sure you have the right people on the bus...i.e. the right people who will fit in with your company's culture and core values, who shares your vision, and also seeks to achieve the same level of success.
Then you must make sure when you find the right people you have them in the right job. Putting an introvert in a high pressure commission sales position might not be the best idea or putting a extrovert in a cubicle staring at a computer screen all day might not be a good choice either. If you have someone who is great at numbers but has a tendency to overlook details then perhaps your accounting department is not a good fit there either.
Once you get the right people in the right seats on your bus I am sure not only will the bus get to the destination it needs to but it will also be a much more pleasant ride on the way there.
If you have not read Jim Collins book "Good to Great" I highly recommend it.
Often times, especially in small businesses that are growing very rapidly, we realize we need to hire people and QUICKLY! We have jobs to do and we can't do them all. So we start hiring team members left and right. Before long we realize that some of the team members we hired were not great choices. Or we might see where the team member is a great person and we love them in the business but not necessarily at the job they are doing.
The trick is to make sure you have the right people on the bus...i.e. the right people who will fit in with your company's culture and core values, who shares your vision, and also seeks to achieve the same level of success.
Then you must make sure when you find the right people you have them in the right job. Putting an introvert in a high pressure commission sales position might not be the best idea or putting a extrovert in a cubicle staring at a computer screen all day might not be a good choice either. If you have someone who is great at numbers but has a tendency to overlook details then perhaps your accounting department is not a good fit there either.
Once you get the right people in the right seats on your bus I am sure not only will the bus get to the destination it needs to but it will also be a much more pleasant ride on the way there.
If you have not read Jim Collins book "Good to Great" I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Life and Lemonade...
When life hands you lemons you can't just make lemonade without adding a little bit of sugar to the mix. For me this means we have to handle the challenges we face in life with a positive attitude or else we just get stuck with lemon water instead of lemonade.
Many times in life and in business I have faced obstacles and setbacks. Some of them were because of choices I made and some of them were completely out of my control. The only thing I could control 100% of the time was my attitude once the trouble started.
It is hard to always look for the silver lining or to dance in the rain or to be the bigger person but in the end doing those things makes the entire situation more bearable. We have to let go and let God take over the things that are out of our control. We have to forgive and move on in order to heal. We have to learn our lessons and hope for a better tomorrow.
I know this may sound very "Pollyanna" to most of you but the truth is the alternative is going down the dark, dreary, and negative road that never leads to anything positive. If we consistently choose to find the good in every situation, if we continue to be positive, and if we remember that "this too shall pass" then while the path we choose may be dark and dreary for a while it will end up in a better place than the one headed to Negativetown.
Choose kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and grace in every situation. Look for the good in both the situation and in people. Add a little sugar when life gives you lemons and then sit back and enjoy the lemonade once the time comes.
Many times in life and in business I have faced obstacles and setbacks. Some of them were because of choices I made and some of them were completely out of my control. The only thing I could control 100% of the time was my attitude once the trouble started.
It is hard to always look for the silver lining or to dance in the rain or to be the bigger person but in the end doing those things makes the entire situation more bearable. We have to let go and let God take over the things that are out of our control. We have to forgive and move on in order to heal. We have to learn our lessons and hope for a better tomorrow.
I know this may sound very "Pollyanna" to most of you but the truth is the alternative is going down the dark, dreary, and negative road that never leads to anything positive. If we consistently choose to find the good in every situation, if we continue to be positive, and if we remember that "this too shall pass" then while the path we choose may be dark and dreary for a while it will end up in a better place than the one headed to Negativetown.
Choose kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and grace in every situation. Look for the good in both the situation and in people. Add a little sugar when life gives you lemons and then sit back and enjoy the lemonade once the time comes.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Criticism Comes With the Territory
Aristotle said "To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
If you have ever achieved anything, won anything, or made anything of yourself personally or professionally you have undoubtedly faced some levels of criticism. Especially in today's age of technology more people feel like they can be blunter and more opinionated about more things thanks to anonymity.
I personally have faced my fair share of criticism in all aspects of my life...everything from the way I color my hair to the way I lead my team to the way I parent my child has been criticized by at least one person at least once. Growing up in a small Texas town, I am pretty used to it. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't still sting even if you get used to it.
My family and our business has also heard criticism over the years. I used to let every comment cut me to my core but over time I have learned to remove my anger from the comment, look to see if there is any truth to it, and then act only if necessary.
Ken Coleman says in his book One Question "Criticism often calcifies its victims, causing them to retrench. But if one remains teachable, words that seem a curse can become a great gift."
Some of my toughest critics have been and some still are my biggest supporters. This list includes but is not limited dad, my basketball coach in high school, several college professors, a few of my closest friends, and all my counselors. Just because someone criticizes you doesn't mean they are waging war with you. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are right. The trick as Coleman said is to remain teachable.
Of course some criticism is just downright mean (especially those who criticize anonymously can be particularly cruel). If that is the case then God gave us an amazing tool to help with that...the delete button! Delete. Delete. Delete.
If you have ever achieved anything, won anything, or made anything of yourself personally or professionally you have undoubtedly faced some levels of criticism. Especially in today's age of technology more people feel like they can be blunter and more opinionated about more things thanks to anonymity.
I personally have faced my fair share of criticism in all aspects of my life...everything from the way I color my hair to the way I lead my team to the way I parent my child has been criticized by at least one person at least once. Growing up in a small Texas town, I am pretty used to it. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't still sting even if you get used to it.
My family and our business has also heard criticism over the years. I used to let every comment cut me to my core but over time I have learned to remove my anger from the comment, look to see if there is any truth to it, and then act only if necessary.
Ken Coleman says in his book One Question "Criticism often calcifies its victims, causing them to retrench. But if one remains teachable, words that seem a curse can become a great gift."
Some of my toughest critics have been and some still are my biggest supporters. This list includes but is not limited dad, my basketball coach in high school, several college professors, a few of my closest friends, and all my counselors. Just because someone criticizes you doesn't mean they are waging war with you. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are right. The trick as Coleman said is to remain teachable.
Of course some criticism is just downright mean (especially those who criticize anonymously can be particularly cruel). If that is the case then God gave us an amazing tool to help with that...the delete button! Delete. Delete. Delete.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Take Your Kid to Work Day...

I am lucky Dotty can come with me to work just about any day. My staff is always so good to her, the customers enjoy talking to her, and for the most part she is fairly well behaved.
I grew up going to work with my mom a lot too. I guess you could say it is a family tradition. Of course my mom used to make sure there was a tv with about three or four channels for us kids to watch and now Dotty just brings her iPod or Kindle and watches whatever she wants, wherever she wants. So times have changed a little thanks to technology.
I remember growing up having a love/hate relationship for going to work with my mom and Dotty has the same feelings. For a kid work can be boring, especially in the summer when there are pools to swim in and friends to play with. However I know that occasionally bringing Dotty to work with me is good for her.
While I don't stay as long as I normally would or do all the things I really need to do, Dotty does see me and my team working hard. She gets to listen to some of the challenges we face and occasionally she and I will talk about them on the way back home. I am giving Dotty some of the best gifts my mom also gave me...I am giving her my time and my example.
I learned more about how to run a business by watching my parents and especially my mom than I ever learned in any business class in college. I learned by watching Mom interact with her team and her customers. I learned by her talking to me about our real world problems and issues not by reading about some other Fortune 500 company's issues. I learned from her how to work hard but how to be a good person and treat people well at the same time she was trying to make a successful business grow every year. I learned how to become the next generation by watching her live it out day after day.
Other than a few government reports that had to be done, my mom rarely sat down and told me HOW to do things at the Pecan Shed. She simply showed me them when I was little and as I got older she would start to ask for my thoughts and opinions. She led by example and I followed the old "monkey see; monkey do" method of learning.
My mom wasn't perfect just like I will never be. I do a few things differently than she did, but for the most part I still stay true to the core values she taught me. We still offer what we think are some of the best pecans in Texas, we still try to maintain the highest level of customer service, we still treat our team like family, we still expect high standards, we still love what we do, and we still put family first.
I never feel guilty about taking Dotty to work with me. The way I look at it some "on the job training" can never start soon enough. Plus, I pay her well. She can have all the fudge and candied pecans she can eat!
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