Friday, December 10, 2010

Congratulations Hannah!

Being a small family business we have relied on family, friends, and college students to staff our store during our busiest time of year which is October through December.

Over three years ago we attended MSU's Part-time Job Fair and we were lucky to find two really good girls to come and work for of those girls was Hannah.

Lots of college students only work a season or two but both girls have been special and have stayed on year round since the day they started working here.

I am proud and a little sad to say that Hannah will be graduating tomorrow with her Nursing Degree. I am so proud of how Hannah has persevered and kept up through all the pressure that went along with her degree. I have no doubt she will be an excellent nurse (although, if you get her, double check her numbers before she gives you medicine...just kidding Hannah).

I am sad to see her leave the Pecan Shed. We all become family around here. We know each other (perhaps we know TOO MUCH about each other), we care for each other, and most of all, we are all good friends.

I have a great staff and it is times like these that remind me how wonderful my staff is. Tonight at Hannah's "Pinning Ceremony" I have no doubt I will cry...tears of joy for my friend...and tears of sadness for myself.

To Hannah...(who is one of the few people I know who reads this blog...)
Congratulations Hannah! You are such a good employee (our computers will probably all become overwhelmed with viruses when you leave...or we will delete every customer record we have), you are an amazing person, you will be a great nurse, and you are a true friend. I have enjoyed getting to know. I will always remember our times bowling, the day I "fired" you, and many, many more things that I don't care to put into print for all eternity.

Just know I will miss you greatly!

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