Saturday, June 25, 2016

Blank Space

I used to think that having every minute of every day scheduled meant I was getting stuff done...that I was important...that I was needed. What it really means is I have no control over my schedule and I would rather be "busy" than productive.

Being the single mom of an almost nine year old very active, very social little girl I get a lot of things scheduled for me...softball practices and games, dance lessons and recitals, school parties and programs, birthday parties, play dates, sleep overs, camps, vacations, and oh so much more. My day planner is very full and that is all before I even add my work functions in much less my own social and volunteer activities.

So often I hear people say "I know you are so busy..." and I am. But I am not sure how productive I am at running a business, being a mom, or being a friend.

Like a car needs fuel to drive we as people have to refill our own tanks if we want to keep "cruising" through life. With that in mind I have started making it a point to put some blank spaces in my planner. I make sure I have an evening where I don't have anything planned and I can either read, get a massage or a pedicure, or work in my flower beds. I am making a commitment to check in with friends more often to hear about what is going on with them and to refill my tank with their love and friendship.

Down time in not wasteful. Let me repeat that for my fellow OCD perfectionist type A friends out there...down time is not wasteful. We have to turn off electronics so they can recharge or they will die on their own. We can't run a car at 90 miles an hour forever before the fuel runs out and the motor burns up. We make sure our kids eat and get sleep and we need to make sure we do the same. We all need to rest, relax, refuel, and recharge. We can't multitask that...we have to do it in the blank spaces of our lives.

So grab you some white out and make some room. Trust only feels weird for the first few times you do it...then you begin to crave those little pockets of time they make a huge difference in your day, work, and life!

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