Monday, June 20, 2016

My Business has a Problem...and it is Me

Thanks to the Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership book and Summit I found out my business has a problem...and it is me. As one of the top leaders at the Pecan Shed (I share the role with my dad and brother) I realize that our business will only be as successful as we choose it to be. Our family business will only grow as much as we are willing to grow as leaders. It will only reach the highest potential that we reach as a leadership team.

Many great companies are built by great leaders. And many good companies are built by good leaders. And many not so good companies are lead by not so good leaders. Some of the best business models around have failed not because of the product or service but because of the leadership that was steering the company.

As a top leader in the Pecan Shed that puts a lot of pressure on me to live up to the expectations of my team, customers, and community. It also means that I have a lot of control over how much success we do or don't have.

So (as Dave Ramsey has said many times) while the problem in our business is me, I am also the solution. That fact alone is wonderful and powerful and downright scary too.

As a leader we all have a great responsibility to our teams and to our customers. We cannot simply create a good product or service, hire some staff, and then sit back and watch the bank account increase. We have to continually be striving to learn more, do more, get better, and improve in all areas of our lives.

Leadership comes with many advantages but always remember...the buck stops at the top (or at least it should). Leaders are the problem but they are also the solution.

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