Monday, July 18, 2016

Be Careful What You Say...

Recently I was playing Candy Land with my daughter.  It had been a long day so I was kind of quiet and Dotty was just rambling on as we drew cards and hopped our game pieces around the multicolored board.  Dotty was talking about her day, her pajamas, her friends, her dogs, her future husband, what she wanted for breakfast in the morning, what she wanted to be when she grew up, what she wanted to read at bedtime, what she wanted to wear when she met the princess (any princess...doesn't really matter) and what card she did or did not want to draw next in the game. 

Every time she got a great card that would jump her ahead several spaces she would start worrying she might draw a bad card that would send her back to the beginning of the game.  Sure enough it wouldn't be long before the gingerbread man or candy cane showed up and Dotty was hopping her little green guy way back down the board with a frown and folded arms. 

We played the game six times.  I won five rounds.  As we were putting the game up Dotty mumbled something about me not being very nice because I didn't  let her win a few more times.  I reminded my competitive angel that Candy Land is not a game that Mommys can easily "let" their kids win at since it is really just a game of chance rather than skill. 

However, I did tell her that I believe that our words have power.  I believe our words have the power to hurt or heal people and so it is important to use them wisely.  I also believe that what we put out into the world usually comes looking for us.

For example, if a person says they get the flu every year, then stand by with a box of Kleenex because usually they start sneezing soon after.  If a girl says she can never find a good guy to date, then don't get too attached to the next guy she introduces you to.  Chances are he will not be a keeper.  If a guy says he always gets the best parking places, make sure and ride with him the next time you are headed to a big event. 

Of course I know I can't Pollyanna my way through life and no matter how positive I am or how many words of affirmation I speak some things in life will go wrong.  People I love will get hurt or sick, the economy will go down, customers will get mad, and a host of other things.  Yet I don't dwell on these negatives for too long.  I choose to remain positive. 

I don't wait for the other shoe to drop.  I just assume the shoelaces will hold and the other shoe is firmly in place.  I don't expect the worst.  I plan for everything and hope for the best.  When I draw the game piece that shoots me up to hang out with Princess Frostine I just tell the universe to keep sending me those brightly colored square game pieces and I don't worry that Grandma Nut is going to send her peanut my way.  I hop along the board until I am singing "winner winner chicken dinner" with King Kandy in the Candy Castle. 

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